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'Edupunk est une méthode d'enseignement et d'apprentissage.

Cette méthode se définit comme une approche de l'enseignement qui évite les outils traditionnels tels que powerPoint et le tableau noir, et vise plutôt à amener l'attitude rebelle et le comportement Do It Yourself des groupes punks des années 70, au sein même de la classe. Web 2.0 y aprendizaje colaborativo. El enfoque tradicional de e-learning ha consistido en emplear un entorno de aprendizaje virtual (aulas o plataformas) estructurado en módulos y lecciones, con el apoyo de ejercicios de evaluación y discusiones. “El contenido está organizado de acuerdo a este modelo tradicional y entregado por completo, ya sea en línea o en relación con el más tradicional de los seminarios, a las cohortes de estudiantes, dirigido por un instructor, después de un determinado plan de estudios para ser completado en un determinado ritmo” (Downes, 2005).

El e-learning 2.0 combina el uso de las aulas virtuales con herramientas complementarias y servicios web tales como blogs, wikis y otros programas sociales para apoyar la creación de comunidades de aprendizaje. En el aprendizaje en red colaborativo aplicado a la educación a distancia se rompe el modelo centrado en el profesor o el experto en un determinado contenido. En un sistema tutorial colaborativo el tutor es un animador de comunidades de aprendizaje. Skype in the classroom (beta) When Will Educators Get Serious About Gaming? - Bruce Dixon - Innovations in Education.

By Bruce Dixon | 8:04 AM March 30, 2011 Editor’s note: This post is part of a three-week series examining educational innovation and technology, published in partnership with the Advanced Leadership Initiative at Harvard University. The gaming industry is on a roll. It’s routine for the biggest new games to reap hundreds of millions of dollars in sales their opening weekends. Earlier this month, Microsoft’s new Kinnect gaming system set a new Guiness World Record for the “fastest selling consumer device” in history, selling over 10 million units in under 60 days. In addition to these product and industry successes, we’re seeing more people discuss and more companies explore the idea of “gamification” — introducing gaming concepts to traditionally non-gaming environments. Seth Priebatsch of SCVNGR is the latest person to discuss this and to take it into the social space, but these ideas have percolated in other areas for awhile. Learn more about the Advanced Leadership Initiative.

Edu punk. University of the People – The world’s first tuition-free online university. Tech usage in the future. Last month I attended the Aspen Institute Education Innovation Forum & Expo in Washington D.C. The event attracted many investors who are planning on investing in the new education technologies. I heard a number of people in attendance propose that the education market is the next "Dot-com" technology growth area. I admit, I'm a bit perplexed because we are in the depth of an economic recession that has reduced funding for public education to the bare minimum. I also see a demand for technology lacking in traditional public schools or even independent schools. What's Next? But, overall, I am excited about the possibilities that technology can provide to facilitate and manage student learning. I'd like to share with you where I think we will find it and where we will not.

Educational technology enthusiasts hope for the magic algorithm that will personalize, manage, and rapidly accelerate student learning though games, simulations, or just plan drilling students. What's Here Related Resources.