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Unilyzer #SocialMedia Dashboard can easily monitor your o-line presence #edtech20 #edtools. Say Hello to Web 3.0. #PostPost shows you all the interesting news, videos and photos your friends#edtech20 #edtools. #OnlyWire is the fastest and easiest way to auto-submit content to the top 42 social networks #edtech20. The Pitfalls and Promises of Social Media and Kids. Big Ideas Culture Teaching Strategies Flickr:HoyasMeg With more than 500 million Facebook users across the world, it’s hard to refute that the social networking site has profoundly changed the way we communicate and share information.

The Pitfalls and Promises of Social Media and Kids

But what’s the Facebook effect on kids? When it comes to navigating the social networking world – whether it’s Facebook or Fan Fiction sites – the terrain becomes even murkier. “Parents have to give kids the opportunities to figure out what it means to be digital citizens.” Parents worry about what’s age-appropriate, what should be kept private, and exposure to cyberbullying, among many other issues.

“Parents can and should moderate sites, but they have to give kids the opportunities to figure out what it means to be digital citizens, and allow kids to be empowered,” said Carrie James, who’s conducting a qualitative survey of kids and social networks at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Web20education.amplify. ?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Web20InEducationInSafetyMode+%28Web+2.0+in+education+in+safety+mode+ COMMS corner: 60 social media tools and platforms you may have missed. a simple solution for required #socialmedia disclosures #edtech20. #Sendoid - the fast , private and Instant #P2P File Transfers #edtech20 #edtools. Mobile. Share screen clips for any site. #edtech20 #edtools. #Chatroulette new tool for #onlineconference #edtech20 #edtools. #WebReader full featured Google Reader desktop client and much more! #edtech20 #edtools. 46 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed. #edtools4chrome #edtools #Cortex - share anything fast #edtech20. Strengths and Weaknesses of Social Media Platforms. Education Transformation Through Collaborative Videos. By Shelly Sanchez TerrellPart 1 of the Education Transformation Through Collaborative Voices series Social media is having an incredible impact on various aspects of our lives.

Education Transformation Through Collaborative Videos

Recently, CNN and the Huffington Post reported the impact of social media during the recent tragedies that have struck Japan. The underlying message was that social media has allowed people to communicate important messages through powerful real-time images and sharing their experiences. With Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube alone we have the ability to spread a message and impact an audience of millions worldwide.

We have the ability to impact our world in a positive manner. Why Try to Spread Your Message? Education is one of those hot topics. What is missing is the voices of educators who are already transforming the way their students learn. Collaborative Voices on Video In 2005 YouTube was created and is still one of the best tools for spreading a message. DUMACORNELLUCIA. Top 10 FREE #SocialMedia Monitoring Site. Top 10 FREE Social Media Monitoring Sites. As more businesses turn to social media, marketers need to find monitoring tools to track and measure social media visibility and trends.

Top 10 FREE Social Media Monitoring Sites

Quite a few of these tools are available for free. Here is a roundup of our top favorite free social media monitoring websites. 1.) Google Alerts Google Alerts are emailed (or you can subscribe to the RSS feed) alerts of Google results, including web, news, blog search, etc. Step 1: Type in the search term. Step 2: Pick which kind of search type you want: News, Blogs, Web, Video, Groups, or Comprehensive (which includes all of the above search platforms). Step 3: Pick how often you want the updates (As it Happens, Once a Day, or Once a Week) Step 4: Pick the Email Length (up to 20 results or up to 50 results) Cómo funciona el FollowFriday #FF #infografia #infographic #socialmedia « TICs y Formación. Hola: Una infografía sobre cómo funciona en Twitter el FollowFriday o FF.

Cómo funciona el FollowFriday #FF #infografia #infographic #socialmedia « TICs y Formación

Un saludo. Social Bookmarking In The Classroom. Google Traductor. 15 #socialmedia collaboration platforms #edtech20 #edchat #ntchat #lak11 #cck11 #elearning #liveclass20. Web20education (web20education) - pearltrees teach web 2.0 presentattions photos #edtech20 ning blog 2.o @web20education web 2.0 curator #edtech20 group channel. Women in 30s Use Social Media Most. According to a recent research study, women in their 30s are the most active social network users.

Women in 30s Use Social Media Most

In fact, women in their 30s make up over half of all social media activity. Being so close (but oh, not quite!) To that demographic, I understand why. My Facebook feed is littered with posts all day long from friends across the country. The New Media and Social Web Guide for Business and Marketers. Twitter Book Club: John Holt (1964) How Children Learn - Chapter 9. View your Facebook, Twitpic, Picplz and Dailybooth photos in one place with GRID. 22 February '11, 11:14pm Follow The increase in usage of digital cameras combined with social networks becoming a primary method of storing photos has reduced the tangible ownership of our photos.

View your Facebook, Twitpic, Picplz and Dailybooth photos in one place with GRID

Since I discovered GRID by the people from VVall, that sense of ownership feels like it may return. It’s not the same as having chronicles of printed photo albums but the way it presents the photos makes it a little more organised. It’s also a great way to get a quick hit and fast overview of your memories. GRID pulls in all your photos from Facebook, Twitpic, Picplz and Dailybooth. When I added my Facebook account to GRID it brought together 439 photos from 994 days, dating all the way back to 2008 when I first began using Facebook. UberTwitter & Twidroyd Are Back Online. Top 7 best practices for crisis management in social media. The keyword for when you’re dealing with a potential damaging issue is NOW. 1.

Top 7 best practices for crisis management in social media

5 Superior Social Media Management Tools [MASHABLE AWARDS] As part of the ongoing Mashable Awards, we're taking a closer look at each of the nomination categories.

5 Superior Social Media Management Tools [MASHABLE AWARDS]

This is "Best Social Media Management Tool. " Be sure to nominate your favorites and join us for the Gala in Las Vegas! Sponsorships are available. Please contact for more information. So many statuses, so little time. The top 50 brands in social media. We've been charting the performance of the top 50 brands on social media (and looks at why some brands have done better than others), and there are some interesting results.

The top 50 brands in social media

So, the votes are in, the results have been verified, and we can now reveal that, according to our Social Media Reputation Index, the most social brand in the world is.... eBay. That's right: not Apple, or Google (though they are, predictably perhaps, numbers two and three on the list), but the brand that changed the way we shopped online, and paved the way for all things social. In social media terms, eBay punches above its brand weight (it ranks at 43 on the Interbrand index of top brands). Blackberry comes in at number four on the list (it's at a relatively low 54 on the Interbrand index), which goes to show how far the brand has moved away from its 'Blackberry Dad' image. Amazon is at number five, reflecting the value of the way Amazon has built word of mouth and social tools into its core service. Jeffbullas. I have been aware of the benefits of social media for a while now and have used this blog as a pulpit and soapbox to shout from this digital hilltop.


I have personally experienced the power of this new media to accelerate brand awareness and to spread my stories. You can exhort and preach to the CEO’s and executives about social media’s power and some will “get it“, but until you start to experience it for yourself the flame will not blaze brightly. I look at my blog’ s Google analytics from time to time and the Global reach that you can achieve with social media never ceases to amaze me (the current analytics statistics show me that is read in 190 countries by 172,443 unique visitors). I don’t know of any other media that could achieve that in less than 2 years without spending a cent in traditional advertising or marketing dollars. Web20education (web20education) - pearltrees teach web 2.0 presentattions #edtech20 ning blog 2.o @web20education #edtech20 group channel. Facebook Privacy: 10 Settings Every User Needs to Know.

Facebook's privacy settings are extremely detailed, giving you the ability to fine-tune the privacy aspects of almost every little part of your Facebook account. Unfortunately, for most users, this level of micromanagement makes Facebook's privacy settings a convoluted mess. Even worse, these settings change often; you may think you know everything there is about them, only to be greeted with a completely different layout and a bunch of new options the next time you visit the dreaded Facebook Privacy Settings page. So, what do you do when you've got over 170 options to choose from? You focus on the most important ones. We've entered Facebook's maze of privacy options and came out on the other side bruised, battered, but with 10 essential settings in our hands. 1.

Account > Privacy Settings > Sharing on Facebook Facebook gives you the easy way out: You can share content with Everyone, Friends of Friends, or Friends only. Winners of Mashable Awards. Posted by Marlene Friis Jan 12th, 2011 The 6th of January, Mashable held the event of Mashable Awards Gala. It is the 4th annual Award show, and it was held at Cirque du Soleil Zumanity stage, Las Vegas. Mashable Awards is made to recognize the best online communities and services, and it was hosted by comedian Baratunde Thurston. This year, the contest received a record number of votes for the nominees. Pitching on Twitter? Try these 8 tactics to entice the media. The continued proliferation of social media has changed how the PR industry interacts with and pitches to the media.

These days, the media are flocking to Twitter in droves, and the platform presents a new opportunity for PR pros to connect with journalists and bloggers. However, pitching there has its own set of rules and best practices. Here are my tips on how to successfully pitch media on Twitter. 1. Develop and strengthen your online brand first. 10 Must-Know Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media. 35 New Social Media Resources You May Have Missed. We're back with another jam-packed roundup of social media tips and tricks. We've been working hard to make sure you have enough to read as the temperature starts dropping, but with this many new tools and resources, we understand if you missed one or two stories.

To help, we've gathered 35 of our most useful posts from the past week or so to make sure you stay on top of your digital game. Social Media looks at five captivating personalities, tips for maximizing Facebook "Likes," and talks social media with Late Night host Jimmy Fallon. Tech & Mobile features some amazing crowdsourced art, analyzes the "dumbphone" market, and helps you get started developing apps. Business takes a closer look at brand names, startup lessons for Madison Avenue, and even some great Drupal themes for small business.


60 Tips From 60 Of the Biggest Social Media Gurus. 18 Interesting Ways to Support Writing in the C... - "Google Docs"