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Advanced Theming in Drupal 7. The Advanced Theming in Drupal 7 series picks up where the Theming Basics with Drupal 7 left off. The first two videos, Introduction to Advanced Theming in Drupal 7 and PHP for Themers, give a high-level overview of the the template.php file and a review of the basic PHP you need when working with Drupal themes. The whole series will cover the new page rendering system, and shows you the process of iterating through the theming process with the use of various debugging statements and the theme developer tool. You can start using advanced theming concepts such as: how to theme forms, how to cleanly expose information to the theme system, and how to empower your site administrators by making certain parts of the theme available to them for customization. You'll also learn more about some of the new theming hooks that are new in Drupal 7. Introduction to Theming Basics for Drupal 7. Theming Basics for Drupal 7 will provide a solid foundation for translating designs into Drupal themes.

You'll learn to work with .info and tpl.php template files, how to add CSS and JavaScript, how to work with the render system new in Drupal 7, how to override templates, create regions, and use the Theme Developer tool. You'll start with the original HTML, CSS and JavaScript template files that were provided by the designer so that you can follow along in translating the design into a Drupal 7 theme. The video explains Drupal's design vernacular, concepts, and special needs. We'll show you how to associate the proper CSS & Javascript files, add all of the necessary regions, and control the HTML output through page and node-specific templates.

You'll learn about the best tools and strategies for controlling the look and feel of your Drupal website. Examples in this video are based on Drupal 7 and its variants. This series will comprise of the these videos: Sites/ Effective April 1, 2013 the Design to Theme shop is closed. I mentioned earlier this year that there would be some changes with my business based on the feedback that I'd received from you.

You said you wanted content more chunked, and in video format. You said you found it difficult to structure your time to attend live workshops, and that it was easier for you to budget for a smaller amount of money monthly rather than a big chunk of money less frequently. As you probably know: this is not how my business has been structured. What does this mean for Design to Theme customers?

Thanks so much for your support of my business. Emma. The Digitalrecline.