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Chosen. Chosen uses the Chosen jQuery plugin to make your <select> elements more user-friendly. Installation Download the Chosen jQuery plugin and extract the file under sites/all/libraries.Download and enable the module.Configure at Administer > Configuration > User interface > Chosen (requires administer site configuration permission) Usage By default the module will automatically apply itself to any select elements that have more than 20 options, which is a reasonable default for which having Chosen will be useful. To change or disable this automatic enhancement, you can change the selectors (or remove all selectors) from the Apply Chosen to the following elements field on the Chosen administration page.

FAPI #chosen property For developers, you can force the Chosen library to be applied or never applied to your select FAPI element by adding $element['#chosen'] = TRUE; or $element['#chosen'] = FALSE; respectively. Installation via Drush drush chosenplugin Dependencies Documentation Maintainers. Breakpoints. Breakpoints management for responsive web design. Breakpoints defined by a theme A theme can define breakpoints in the file like breakpoints[mobile] = (min-width: 0px) breakpoints[narrow] = (min-width: 560px) breakpoints[wide] = (min-width: 851px) breakpoints[tv] = only screen and (min-width: 3456px) Once this module or the theme is enabled, the settings are read from the info file and stored into the database. Custom breakpoints A user can create custom breakpoints using full media queries to define them. Breakpoint groups Breakpoints can be grouped together, for each theme that defines breakpoints there's automatically a new group created.

Multipliers If you want to support retina displays, you can enable multipliers so the modules now you want to use a breakpoint for both regular display and retina display. Why groups? Downloads. Menu token. Are you attending Drupalcon Austin? Let the maintainer of this module know your feedback with a comment on the proposed session: Building menus with dynamic items using Menu token. Menu Token module provides tokens, that could be used in title or in path of menu items (links). For example, if you create a menu item with path: "user/[current-user:uid]", the url will be changed "on fly" to: "user/1" (assuming you are user 1). Tokens are provided by Token module. Menu Token allows to use both global tokens and entity ones: node, user, term, etc. Entity tokens have several methods of substitution: from context, random and user defined.

Menu token Resources Menu token functionality can be extended gracefully. Menu token module implements Ctools plugin system and allows to plug in new token handlers.Use Extended path aliases to automatically translate paths like 'user/1/mycontent' to 'users/admin/mycontent'. If you know other use cases, please file an issue. Installation Known issues. Compact Forms. Compact Forms presents text fields for selected forms in a more compact fashion using jQuery. The form item/element fields are overlaid with their respective labels. When the user focuses a field the label fades away nicely, and if the field is left empty the label fades back in again. By default, only the user login block is switched to compact style, but the behavior can be added to any form by adding the corresponding CSS ids to the Compact Forms configuration.

Degrades back to the original form when JavaScript is switched off.Fields like textareas and checkboxes are currently not affected.Inspired by A List Apart Installation Please see current README.txt. Credits Current maintainers: Daniel F. Previous maintainers: Tom Sundström (tomsun) This project has been sponsored by: UNLEASHED MIND Specialized in consulting and development of Drupal powered sites, our services include installation, development, theming, customization, and hosting to get you started.

Search API. This module provides a framework for easily creating searches on any entity known to Drupal, using any kind of search engine. For site administrators, it is a great alternative to other search solutions, since it already incorporates facetting support and the ability to use the Views module for displaying search results, filters, etc. Also, with the Apache Solr integration, a high-performance search engine is available for this module. Developers, on the other hand, will be impressed by the large flexibility and numerous ways of extension the module provides. Hence, the growing number of additional contrib modules, providing additional functionality or helping users customize some aspects of the search process.

The prime example of a site using this module is itself – the Search API, along with the database backend and Views, is used to generate the issue queue listings. Note on security Additional modules Search views Search facets Tutorials and screencasts Requirements Credits. Comparison of modules for dealing with troublesome users.
