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Character Vaults : Famous People and their Drug Use. Magic Trip (Official Movie Site) - Starring Ken Kesey, Neal Cassady and The Merry Band of Pranksters - A Film by Alex Gibney and Alison Ellwood - Now on Demand and In Theatres August 5th. UK celebrities call for end to prohibition. Welcome to the future of drug use. has a great article on the rapidly expanding research chemical movement and the attempts by all to keep up with the pace of psychoactive innovation. From Dr. Caspar Addyman, a developmental psychologist and co-founder of Ever heard of dimethocaine, methoxetamine or JWH-18? They are ‘research chemicals’ similar to cocaine, ketamine and cannabis respectively. They were all first synthesized in the last few years and are being produced in large quantities in Chinese factories. They are quasi-legal and readily available over the internet. Ron Paul on legalizing heroin.