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The Essential Guide to Mobile AR Gestures - Inborn Experience (UX in AR/VR) - Medium. Tapping, dragging, swiping; most users are comfortable with an array of touch gestures.

The Essential Guide to Mobile AR Gestures - Inborn Experience (UX in AR/VR) - Medium

However, most traditional Apps have focussed on controlling an object in one or two dimensions e.g. scrolling up/down (Y-axis), swiping left/right (X-axis), dragging around on screen (X&Y). In AR Apps, we generally want our users to manipulate objects in three dimensions, but with only two dimensions on the screen, conveying intent is difficult. To illustrate this point, let’s say our user wants to move a virtual ball projected on their table, they drag up 👆 on the screen.

Should the ball move vertically up into the sky or back into the distance? The problem is that the simple 2D gesture doesn’t provide enough information to make a precise manipulation in 3D. Option 1: Reduce the Dimensions The simplest option is to reduce the number of dimensions being manipulated so that it can be represented by a lower dimensional gesture. Take a furniture App like Ikea Place for example.

Option 4: Use a Real Gizmo. Long Story Short: Async/Await Best Practices in .NET. As you start working with async methods, you will quickly realize that the asynchronous nature of the code starts spreading up and down your hierarchy of method calls — meaning, you need to make your invoking code asynchronous as well and so on.

Long Story Short: Async/Await Best Practices in .NET

You may be tempted to “stop” this by blocking in your code using Task.Result or Task.Wait, converting just a small part of the application and wrapping it in a synchronous API so the rest of the application is isolated from the changes. Unfortunately, this is a recipe for creating hard to track deadlocks. The best solution to this problem is to allow async code to grow naturally through the codebase. If you follow this solution, you’ll see async code expand to its entry point, usually an event handler or controller action.

Embrace async all the way! More information in this article by MSDN. As we already discussed, when the compiler finds an async method, it turns the method into a State Machine. Async void is a big no-no. NEW Edge Aware 360 Photo Editing in Photoshop & Lightroom - Seamless Workflow. Overview of the Main APIs in the Travel Industry. Reading time: 25 minutes Back in 2017, TripAdvisor and comScore suggested that travelers make 10 to 34 website visits on average to book their trips.

Overview of the Main APIs in the Travel Industry

While this seems like a lot for booking hotels, for instance, travelers visit only 4.4 unique websites, according to the study by Fuel and People prefer to make their reservations through ‘all-in-one-place’ platforms. They’ve reshaped user experience unifying and eventually simplifying it for average travelers. One of the reasons is that travel industry players have become a lot more open to sharing data with each other. The main types of travel APIs and how they work In tech terminology, the synonym to this growing connectivity is API. So, let’s talk about the most important types of APIs used to unify travel industry features and information. For the online travel agency (OTA), all these aspects are worth covering in the application. Enterprise XR Tour To Barnstorm US - Michael Eichenseer - Medium. A new touring show, Enterprise XR Demos (EXRD), announced it will be bringing a dozen hands-on demos to technology and innovation executives in New York, Boston, LA, and Vancouver this fall, in anticipation of a national tour in 2020.

Enterprise XR Tour To Barnstorm US - Michael Eichenseer - Medium

Participating companies include Google, Microsoft, Magic Leap, HTC, HP, PTC, Sixense, Epson, Realwear, Ubimax, Vuzix, Third Eye, Mad Gaze, and players to be named later. “The whole idea is to package the best enterprise XR (VR & AR) demos and bring them to where the executives are,” said project creator and producer Charlie Fink. “Companies ignoring this technology are leaving money on the table.”

The demos touch on the broad range of XR experiences created by enterprises, especially its killer apps: training, simulation, knowledge capture and transfer, work instructions, and remote experts (see what I see). Sixsense, for example, will be showing off the welding simulator it made in cooperation with VRSim for Lincoln Electric.


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