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Dimona, prolifération nucléaire

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Israel's Quest for Yellowcake: The Secret Argentina-Israel Connection, 1963-1966. Israel’s Quest for Yellowcake: The Secret Argentina-Israel Connection, 1963-1966 US State Department Insisted that Uranium Sales Required Safeguards to Assure Peaceful Use but Israel Was Uncooperative and Evasive About the Yellowcake's Ultimate Use William Burr, National Security Archive, and Avner Cohen, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey institute of International Studies (MIIS), editors. Also see the Foreign Policy companion piece to this research update, "Israel's Secret Uranium Buy: How Argentina Fueled Ben-Gurion's Nuclear Program. " These nearly unknown documents shed light on one of the most obscure aspects of Israel’s nuclear history—how secretly and vigorously Israel sought raw materials for its nuclear program and how persistently it tried to cultivate relations with certain nuclear suppliers.

Washington found that the sale was irreversible and that it could learn nothing about its purpose, although it kept trying. A. Overviews and Perspectives B. Comment Israël aurait acheté son Yellowcake en Argentine… À la mi-Juillet 1964, le Département d’Etat américain et la CIA ont envoyé un message conjoint demandant aux ambassades américaines en Argentine et en Israël de vérifier un rapport secret non vérifié. Ils voulaient savoir si les Argentins avait accepté de vendre à Israël quelques 80-100 tonnes d’oxyde d’uranium, ou «yellowcake», un produit essentiel pour alimenter un réacteur nucléaire et produire ainsi du plutonium qui peut être utilisé dans les armes.

Washington avait obtenu des informations sur cette vente par le gouvernement britannique, qui avait découvert l’affaire grâce au Canada. Le programme nucléaire israélien présente une sorte de paradoxe pour les historiens. Bien qu’il soit le secret le mieux gardé du monde, c’est aussi le programme le plus opaque. Un aspect du programme nucléaire israélien qui a été particulièrement mystérieux est de savoir comment et où Israël a réussi à obtenir la matière première nécessaire pour soutenir un effort d’armement sérieux.

Avec FP – JSSNews. Hezbollah drone may have been sent to monitor Israel’s nuclear facility at Dimona. JERUSALEM — A drone aircraft that entered Israeli airspace earlier this week was apparently on a mission to take pictures of the Dimona nuclear research center in southern Israel, Israeli officials confirmed Friday. What the aircraft managed to learn and whether it transmitted its observations to a remote facility was not immediately known. Israeli officials have said the aircraft was launched from southern Lebanon and was shot down “some time” after it entered Israeli air space. Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia, says that its technicians assembled the aircraft from parts provided by Iran.

“This was a crude device, but it was a drone with all the capabilities that unmanned aerial crafts offer, and for that reason it is worrying,” an Israeli military official told McClatchy under the condition that he not be identified because he was not authorized to discuss sensitive information with a reporter. The drone was the third unmanned aircraft Hezbollah has dispatched over Israel. Possible nuclear accident at Dimona Nuclear Plant in Israel. Centrale nucléaire de DIMONA Israel »