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Copying my delicious bookmarks, most of which are from 2010, and almost exclusively Ten/Master. for fresher stuff you'll have to wait 'till i get around to my AO3 faves

The Pond Continuum - kaydeefalls - Doctor Who (2005. When Amy blinks, the cemetery around her becomes a chilly autumn night in Central Park. Or she thinks it's Central Park. It's some sort of park, okay, and there's a brisk wind toying with her hair, and the air smells of that weird uncertain mixture of earth and iron and cement and garbage and soot that's somehow uniquely New York in any century. And most importantly of all, Rory's already wrapped his arms around her so tightly she thinks they must still be falling, falling, falling. He chants her name in a voice like gravel, and she can't breathe through her tears with his arms like a vise around her ribs. Once they sort themselves out -- and let's be real, here, it takes a hell of a lot of sorting -- they get smart enough to hunt down a copy of the evening paper to check the date. , the New York Record proclaims.

"Huh," Amy says. "Guess the angel didn't want to get too predictable," Rory says sourly. Amy doesn't say. 1938 follows 1937 and 1936 before it, after all. "Someone injured? " The Pond Continuum - kaydeefalls - Doctor Who (2005. 1. New York City, 1930 When Amy blinks, the cemetery around her becomes a chilly autumn night in Central Park. Or she thinks it's Central Park. It's some sort of park, okay, and there's a brisk wind toying with her hair, and the air smells of that weird uncertain mixture of earth and iron and cement and garbage and soot that's somehow uniquely New York in any century. And most importantly of all, Rory's already wrapped his arms around her so tightly she thinks they must still be falling, falling, falling. He chants her name in a voice like gravel, and she can't breathe through her tears with his arms like a vise around her ribs. Once they sort themselves out -- and let's be real, here, it takes a hell of a lot of sorting -- they get smart enough to hunt down a copy of the evening paper to check the date.

"Huh," Amy says. "Guess the angel didn't want to get too predictable," Rory says sourly. There wasn't, Amy doesn't say. 1938 follows 1937 and 1936 before it, after all. "Someone? " 2. 3. Tightropegirl: Open, Closed, and the Moment They Figure It Out. (Long post warning: we’ll get to some Dr. Who eventually, but bear with me. This is the way I watch television.) There’s an old Hitchcock anecdote about the difference between suspense and surprise.

If a bus suddenly blows up, that’s a surprise. If you see a man get on a bus with a box, and you know there’s a bomb in that box, and you ride along for a little while watching all the ordinary people sitting on the bus and standing in the aisles, not knowing they’re about to be blown to smithereens… that’s suspense. Another way to describe it is “open” or “closed.” If you’re playing a storyline open, the audience sees and understands everything that’s happening. There’s a significant plot point that often accompanies both sorts of storytelling: The Moment They Figure It Out.

Beginning scriptwriters are often reluctant to play anything that’s based on a thought process going on in a character’s head; isn’t that going to require an amazing actor? Our hero notices. It’s open. Earthbound Timelords: Doctor Who Scripts Project. 108 episodes from 27 _Doctor Who_ serials of the Hartnell and Troughton eras are no longer held by the BBC on video or film. These were destroyed during the 1970s when old episodes were no longer considered to be of any value to the BBC.

Fortunately, all of these missing episodes exist as audio recordings made by viewers of the original broadcasts. Information on these audio recordings can be obtained from Missing Doctor Who Reconstructions & Audios. Still photographic screen images ("telesnaps") taken at the time of broadcast also exist for many of the episodes, and these have been combined with the audio recordings to make slide-show style reconstructions of the episodes on video.

Information on these telesnap reconstruction videos can be obtained from Missing Doctor Who Reconstructions & Audios and Loose Cannon Productions. The Doctor Who Scripts Project was initiated to provide transcriptions of the audio recordings of all episodes that no longer exist on video or film. IV. The Who Review. A Psychochronography in Blue: Doesn't It Just Burn When You Face Me (The Daleks' Master Plan) It's November 13, 1965. The Rolling Stones are still on top. They'll be replaced by The Seekers. The Beatles will take the Christmas number one, hold it for five weeks, then turn it over to The Spencer Davis Group, followed by, finally, on January 27, The Overlanders. Those of you who like arithmetic may have noticed how we've covered twelve weeks there. That's not a mistake. This is The Daleks' Master Plan. In twelve parts, plus its prequel a month ago, it is by far the longest Doctor Who story ever, running nearly five and a half hours.

It's also 75% missing. Life's been hard since the 1983 guide, though. Pity about what they saw, then. And so the great re-evaluation began, and the story was ruled a brilliant idea that was way too long and brought down by the silliness. OK. I've talked in passing about how Doctor Who aired in the 1960s and how modern conceptions of Doctor Who are unsuited to it. This is a mode of interpretation we just don't have anymore. They don't. A Psychochronography in Blue: We're All Stories In The End (The Mind Robber) It's September 14, 1968. In our traditional sign of some sort of restoration of order, The Beatles are at number one with Hey Jude. They are unseated two weeks later by a signing to their own record label, Mary Hopkin, a British folk singer, who holds the number one slot with "Those Were the Days" for the remainder of this story. In news that doesn't sing, the Apollo missions get closer and closer to the moon with their first manned launch, Apollo 7.

The merger between General Electric Company (no relation to the American company General Electric) and English Electric is the biggest merger in UK history. There's a lovely revolution in Panama. While on television we have, thankfully, the exact story we needed after the grotesque train wreck that was The Dominators. The basic idea is that following a TARDIS malfunction the Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe get caught in the Land of Fiction, a realm in which stories are real.

Much has been made of many of the obvious aspects of this story. And UK. TARDIS Eruditorum: A Psychochronography in Blue. Have You Seen Enough? by Sigyn. Everyone reacted differently to the sight of the Untempered Schism. It was a rite of passage. A coming of age. The leaving behind of the simple title “Gallifreyan” and becoming a “Time Lord.” It was a test of character.

Who you were before the Untempered Schism was never the same as who you were after. Mostly, the children were inspired. But there were exceptions.... Lord Borusa. To make himself immortal. When he graduated, he was already president of the student body. The Rani. When she returned to the academy she stopped trying to study everything at once, and pursued one subject until it was exhausted before she would let herself turn to another. Including other people. Romanadveratnalunda had been very shy before she was brought to the schism. She graduated top of her class, and was scouted out for special missions by the Time Lord council. It was all very amusing. Drax was dull for a Gallifreyan, and he knew it. It didn’t. But after he had seen it, he understood. He started to scream. Sweet Sorrow by Alienist. Peri wasn't snooping per se. She hadn't meant to find the Doctor's room; she'd just sort of stumbled across it and, well, there was no harm in taking a peek, right?

"And if you're going to leave a box just lying open on the bed…" she muttered, eyes glinting. There was paper beside it — or it looked enough like paper — and envelopes. This was promising. She perched on the edge of the bed, pulling the box close and gingerly removed a letter. Okay, so she felt a bit guilty, but he was the one who never talked about himself so other means were necessary.

A name was scrawled, neatly and carefully, on the envelope, and her eyes widened as she recognised it — Turlough. You are a far better man than you ever realised. The next bit was scratched out. I enjoyed travelling with you. There is a great deal I will never learn of your past, Turlough, but what matters is the man you are now, and he is magnificent. I hope your are well, and safe, and content.

Tegan. You challenged me. Nyssa. I wish Adric. The Death of William Hartnell. William Hartnell Photo Gallery - 1 - 16 of 28 Images. Our Website Community Celebrity dating gossip Celebrity couples Celebrity babies Celebrity profiles Filmographies and TV show credits Magazine covers Quotes and trivia Discographies and lyrics Entertainment pictures Films and television shows Bands and solo artists Famous people Celebrity photos Movie stills and posters TV show images Bands and musicians Partner with Wallpaper.

My Junk Drawer - Muppet Dr Who. Tea Party - Lion Sleeps Tonight. Unrepentant, unbeta'd Five/Cheetah! Ainley! Master cracksexings for kink meme. He was accustomed to the Master’s TARDIS stalking him. It just usually had the Master in it at the time. The Doctor had known something was off when the other time-ship had materialized across the London street (disguising itself as a signboard—and he should have known then and there something was off, because the Master would jump into another singularity before he allowed his TARDIS to advertise The Human League’s Dare) and psychically bleated sadly at him, making no aggressive gesture. He’d just dropped Tegan home on the day of her Aunt’s funeral.

The TARDIS across the way hesitated for a moment, and shimmered into being right next to him, this time as a candy-apple red, glossy phone booth, as if it were trying to communicate a friendly similarity to his own TARDIS while proudly asserting its uniqueness. The Doctor probed it cautiously. But where is he? “But what’s happened?” :: [HE(mine)]{unknow}me!! “Here!” Procrastination Central - Meanwhile, In Another Universe (1/?) Well - this takes me back. late-night fanfic posting, but this thing has been bugging me for ages (see earlier post), so i figured if it could be finished tonight, i should finish it tonight. Title: Meanwhile, In Another Universe (1/?) Wordcount: 7000Rating: NC-17Characters: AU versions of Eight/Roberts! Master, BennyNotes: The probably not at all awaited spin-off of "The Sleepwalker" begins!

Chapter One: O! He Doth Teach The Torches To Burn Bright (literally, as well as figuratively) December 1995 If there was a social event Professor Samuel Angelo Jones enjoyed less than the faculty Christmas party he’d mercifully forgotten what it was. With another crowd, the second might have been vaguely amusing, but this was Sam’s fifth faculty Christmas party. He usually managed to slip away after a couple of hours, having talked to the people in his department and the few others on the staff he found bearable.

It was this that had upset Sam’s departure plans. “Presumably.” “Not here, no. “Got it.” Procrastination Central - When We Were Six. Shh. posting early - i'll unlock it once they post the master list. i'm very fond of this one (once it gets going), which is funny because it's not at all what i thought i was going to write, given the list of prompts. i'm glad i did though. ficathons are good like that. Title: When We Were SixCharacters: Six, Donna, Peri, Sylvia, Wilf (wtf is this giant list of characters? Can it be true?) Rating: GWord Count: 2,000Summary: The Doctor takes Peri on holiday to Devon, except it isn't Devon: it's Strathclyde.

Notes: Written for eve11's prompt: Six & Donna | lemonade | facets (the, er, facets are... metaphorical) at sixathonThis is the least Scottish Scotland could ever be (you can tell I'd been hoping 'Strathclyde' was a seaside town [in Devon] and, like the Doctor, was disappointed to find it wasn't). I didn't even work out what town or district they were in because it didn't seem important - sorry. X_los. When We Were Six The staring had gone on for at least ten minutes.

“Are you a clown?” Procrastination Central - The Body Snatchers. Is it too sad to respond to your own anon meme prompt before anyone else has had a chance to do so? Perhaps. but almost immediately after i posted i thought 'i could write that'. so i did. Title: The Body Snatchers (or How the Master finally got inside the Doctor's body)Pairing: Five/Ainley! MasterRating: NC-17Word Count: about 5000Summary: Wacky body swap fic. Featuring some plot, and quite a lot of sex. Notes: Inspired by my recent reading of 'Bernice Summerfield and the Squire's Crystal' (v good - do read).

X_los was v helpful, and told me how i could re-do the ending so it wasn't so rubbish. today one of my friends asked what would happen if she found porn on my computer. clearly the answer is 'read it, and then suggest improvements.' The Body Snatchers What had happened was completely, totally, absolutely, and in all ways the Master’s fault. He’d always operated under the belief that the Master planned his schemes. He pulled the lever, and the Doctor’s TARDIS electrocuted him. Procrastination Central - No Longer Hearing Voices. Dear people i know in real life: sorry. i am so sorry. other people: hello, what's this? Could it finally be that porn written by your friend and humble narrator?

No, actually, i'm afraid it isn't. actually it's a sprawling, angsty, schizophrenic mess, longer than my dissertation, in which sex is the main plot device, though this is not reflected in the amount of screen time it enjoys. enjoy :) Title: No Longer Hearing VoicesPairing: Five/Simm! X_los prodded my plotholes until they went away and characterisation until it was a bit less bland, smithy161 pointed out that there were large bits missing and that the Doctor should only taste like cinnamon on the planet cliché. No Longer Hearing Voices - The Future Imperfect The Master was putting the final tier onto a house constructed from Top Secret folders when his assistant called to let him know that a Doctor John Smith, scientific advisor to UNIT, was waiting for him in the lobby. He’d been having one of his good days. “No,” the Master said.

Procrastination Central - five/ainley!master soup fic (yes, ok, so i love abba, but so does stephen fry, i'll have you know) It's almost three o'clock, but i have cracked the past tense! This is an incredible, literally, incredible achievement. it's like understanding paragraphs again. it almost felt natural by the end (the past tense, not the paragraphs)(i will never understand paragraphs again), but not really. i don't know why i started writing in it like this, i really don't, but then it quickly became too late. interesting things to note about this choice:1. when using the past tense, i develop a slightly snarky authorial voice, which in turn leads to the return of those long sentences of doom you might remember from several years ago.2. not actually to do with the tense, but i think a list of one is a bit rubbish so: check out my dorky place names, which all come from... something completely unrelated to this story. anyway, whilst using the past tense was an achievement, i don't know if what i actually wrote, is. i'm happy writing ten/simm!

Master. i'm not really happy writing five/ainley! Written for “Oh. Best Enemies. Tree_and_leaf | Fic: A Child of Our Time. Isn't it delightful? - I guess this is crack!fic? Tea Party - When I Am King: War Chief!Master Porn Meme Response. Concerning the UFO sighting by Netgirl_y2k. The Kleptomaniac Time Traveller's Club by Netgirl_y2k. The Ten Weddings of Donna Noble by Netgirl_y2k. "My heart always cowers behind the defense of my wit" - Fic Masterlist. Operation Awesome by AND. Hidden Corners by vvj5. Within A Mile Of Home by sleepismyfriend. Twelve Years and Four Psychiatrists by Sanguine Ink. The Spotter's Guide to the Doctor by dbskyler.

Prime by Roach Patrol. The Champion of the Children by Marcus S Lazarus. The Best and the Last by Marcus S Lazarus. Masterchef by JJPOR. Lovingthevolume: Fic: you took my hand and danced with me. Sonic Biro | Doctor Who Screencaps & Art. A Smattering of Ignorance - Doctor/Rose Alien!Sex List. Riverbl.jpg (1599×884) 2jb4dgl.jpg (455×600) Luchia13: ULTIMATE MASTER LIST OF DOOM - updated 3/30. Pocket Watch Boy. Elisi's humble abode - New fic! Memorable Fic: The TARDIS Fell into Pete's World. Entries. Guess Who? Identity and Fairy Tale in The Pandorica Opens/Big Bang.

Index. TARDIS Index File, the Doctor Who wiki. Boji: DW: Vampires of Venice - meta. A Feminist Take on River Song, Part 2. Di_br: [VID] Tenth Doctor: The Musical. GUEST BLOG Terry Pratchett on Doctor Who. // version 33.0 // TARDIS // - Doctor/Master Rec List. Ptahrrific: Doctor Who/Sailor Moon: Ten Times The Doctor Met Sailor Pluto (Plus One More) Girl-on-the-Moon's deviantART Gallery. The Music of the Synapses.

Passing Notes by Adalia Zandra. Adaliazandra's fic journal. Partners by Adalia Zandra. Flummery: new vid! Doctor Who, Handlebars. Canon and Sheep Shit: Why We Fight. Shaggydogstales: I Dare You To Wear White. Shaggydogstales: Precious Little Space Dumplings of Love. Shaggydogstales: Crazy in Love. Pendulum Chapter 1, a doctor who fanfic. Before Sunset Chapter 1, a doctor who fanfic.

Beizy: "Within Reach" -- Doctor/Master. Procrastination Central - the fanfic list. Procrastination Central - The Boy Who Healed The Rift. Hello, Sweetie... - crackfic: 'A Very Civil Partnership' (Ten/Saxon) Electromagnetic Candy - The Fic Of Wrongness. Doctor Who Season Four. Doctor Who Season Five. Communication Chapter 1, a doctor who fanfic.

Fahye_fic: [Doctor Who: Mendelian Inheritance] // version 33.0 // TARDIS // - Fic: DDC 613.96. Pan narrans - the storytelling ape - Fic: Basic Physics. Ariafic: Doctor Who: fear of the dark. New Dawn Fades - omphalos - Doctor Who. Omphalos: Fic: Let's Play. Memorable New Dawn Fades AU Entries. Doctor Who Cat Macros. Best Enemies. Elisi's humble abode. A Teaspoon And An Open Mind :: A Doctor Who Fan Fiction Archive.