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OR Books — Occupying Wall Street: The Inside Story of an Action that Changed America. For two months this fall, Zuccotti Park, squeezed deep in a canyon between bankers’ skyscrapers in lower Manhattan, was the site of an extraordinary political action. Home to the hundreds of anti-capitalist protestors who camped there overnight, and the thousands who visited to join the protest, the park became a magical place: a communion of sharing and consensus in the heart of a citadel defined by greed and oligarchy.

In the early hours of Tuesday November the 15th the occupiers’ camp was destroyed when police swept suddenly into the square, tearing down the tents, library, kitchen and medical center, and arresting hundreds. For the multitude supporting the action it was a heart-rending moment. But if the occupation at Zuccotti was destroyed that night, the movement it spawned across America has only just begun. Issues of equality and democracy, absent from mainstream political discussion in the United States for decades, are today springing up everywhere. , May 21st 2012.

Right Here All Over (Occupy Wall St.)

Before October 2011

October 2011. November 2011. December 2011. Behind the scenes, early history. #OccupyWallStreet: origin and spread visualized. Last week we published an analysis on the usage of hashtags around the #OccupyWallStreet movement on Twitter, why some phrases reach Twitter’s trending topics list, while others never do. The crux of the the argument highlighted the outcomes of a purely algorithmic mechanism that Twitter uses to generate its trending topics lists. We’ve all seen an increasing usage of the #Occupy hashtag, splintering into a wide range of sub-movements -> #OccupyBoston, #OccupyVancouver, #OccupySF and many more. While it is clear that the movement’s rise was influenced by similar demonstrations around the world, it is unclear who first decided to use the #Occupy hashtag, for what reasons and how it spread.

We’ve sifted through millions of tweets to answer precisely these questions. Some findings: Interesting? First Identified #OccupyWallStreet Use Going many months back, there were a few folks using the #occupy hashtag on Twitter. @Voyno: “@mat – thoughts on #occupywallstreet ? @PatColon: “You know what?


Declaration of the Occupation of New York City. This document was accepted by the NYC General Assembly on September 29, 2011 Translations: French , Slovak , Spanish , German , Italian , Arabic , Portuguese [ all translations »] As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies. As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power.

To the people of the world,

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Occupy Wall Street Plots a Comeback: TIME Book Excerpt. Excerpted from What Is Occupy? Inside the Global Movement, a new book from the editors of TIME. To buy a copy as an e-book or a paperback, go to In a society in which we're used to taking direction from Presidents and CEOs, captains and quarterbacks, Occupy Wall Street's leaderless structure seems like a formula for chaos. And yet nearly a month after protesters were evicted from the movement's birthplace in Zuccotti Park in downtown Manhattan the exercise in organized anarchy is still going strong.

Since the Nov. 15 eviction, much of New York Occupy Wall Street group's day-to-day activities have moved inside. Nonetheless, as it has been since the beginning of the movement, the leaderless structure appears to be working. So how does Occupy Wall Street make all this happen with no titles and no corner offices? Idea Generation The only power at first was the power of suggestion. While the general assembly gets decisions made, a by-product is recruitment.

Occupy Wall Street. Anti-corruption activists launched a three-month campaign at hundreds of former Occupy locations to kick off their own ‘#GlobalSpring’ of social, economic and political reform. ​ A United States military veteran who was critically injured by the police during an Occupy Wall Street protest in October 2011 will be awarded $4.5 million by the city of Oakland, California.

The trial in the case against a 23-year-old activist accused of assaulting a police officer during an Occupy Wall Street demonstration in New York City nearly two years ago finally got underway Monday afternoon in Manhattan. Assaulting peaceful protesters with pepper spray can be awfully stressful, and John Pike certainly knows it better than most.

Now a judge has awarded $38,000 to the former University of California cop filmed discharging his weapon on Occupy demonstrators. Syrian rebel fighters have found a friend in a well-known Occupy Wall Street activist. I'm A Climate Scientist - Extended Version (NSFW)