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Eldarion/django-chunked-uploads. Django-queued-storage — django-queued-storage 0.6 documentation. This storage backend enables having a local and a remote storage backend.

django-queued-storage — django-queued-storage 0.6 documentation

It will save any file locally and queue a task to transfer it somewhere else using Celery. If the file is accessed before it’s transferred, the local copy is returned. Source Generators — easy-thumbnails 1.1 documentation. Dabapps/django-email-as-username. Bennylope/django-organizations. Celery/django-celery. Jbalogh/django-nose. Ubernostrum / django-registration. Ella/ella. Tomchristie/django-auto-api. Willhardy/Adjax. Bread-and-pepper/django-userena. Django-debug-toolbar/django-debug-toolbar.