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Direct VS Parametric

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SolidWorks Blog » Direct v Parametric Smackdown commentary. Direct vs. Parametric Modeling… What Do the Users Have to Say? - SolidSmack. Sometimes when the sun is shining and there’s a light, misty acid in that air… you run screaming, jump into a barrel with your friends and push yourselves down a hill to escape the skin melt. Inevitably, the conversation in the barrel turns to the edgy discussion of Direct vs. Parametric modeling.

For good reason too. Direct vs. Parametric Modeling – The Twitter Version. Direct vs.

Direct vs. Parametric Modeling – The Twitter Version

Parametric Modeling – The Twitter Version Twitter was hopping yesterday if you are into CAD. Cadalyst sponsored a discussion on ‘Direct vs. Parametric Modeling“ with most of the industry heavy weights participating. The whole thing is recorded so you can review it yourself.