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Creare un QR Code. Genera i tuoi Codici QR Gratis. - Tools for Educators - free worksheet templates, printable game templates, 100% customizable worksheet makers with images! Webquest: Zunal.Com. WebQuest Generator. This section in my web has come true thanks to the kindness and the knowledge of Alejandro Valero , who was a friend of mine when we were children and whom I have met again now.

WebQuest Generator

He is a teacher of English at María Guerrero Secondary School in Collado Villalba (Madrid). Anybody with the only ability to use the Internet browser can make a WebQuest page on-line in this section. THIS IS A NEW VERSION of the generator. We have to remark that there is a major improvement regarding the way of saving the web page. To do that there is now one simple procedure which works with all the browsers. Annotate images and videos — ThingLink. Socrative. Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines. Timeline. Timeline allows students to create a graphical representation of an event or process by displaying items sequentially along a line.


Timelines can be organized by time of day, date, or event, and the tool allows users to create a label with short or long descriptive text. Adding an image for each label makes a timeline more visually appealing. Add, drag, and rearrange items as needed. Learn to Use Thinglink in Under 5 Minutes. QR Code Generator: QR Stuff Free Online QR Code Generator And Creator For Brochures, Print Advertising, Business Cards & Stickers. Tagul - Word Cloud Art. Match The Memory. Cloze test creator. Find and share online flashcards and notes from StudyBlue. Any subject, anywhere, anytime. Riddle: Create polls, lists, quizzes and personality tests in 60s and it's free. - Log-In -