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Universities must rethink their approach to student digital literacy. The digital domain is a space for conversations based on shared values Within any university, faculties and departments tend to operate as silos.

Universities must rethink their approach to student digital literacy

While students pursuing various degrees will develop specialist skills, they may also know how to apply them only in a certain way. So engineering students will expect to become engineers; music graduates will become musicians and so on. This is where the internet and social media can be beneficial as a space for students to gain an alternative perspective on their skills outside traditional academic boundaries. To understand how this is possible, first disregard the individual features of social media websites – tweets, likes, shares, pokes, posts, nudges and so on. Every time we publish information on the internet, we are effectively starting a conversation, because people can respond or react to it. There are two ways to get noticed. Digital literacy training should focus on communication skills A recent example.

20 ways of thinking about digital literacy in higher education. Josie Fraser, social and educational technologist, Leicester City Council First define what you mean by digital literacy: The definition I most frequently use is this one: digital literacy = digital tool knowledge + critical thinking + social engagement.

20 ways of thinking about digital literacy in higher education

Then it's worth knowing its main characteristics: • It supports and helps develop traditional literacies• It's a life-long practice• It's about skills, competencies and critical reflection on how these skills and competencies are applied• It's about social engagement Top tips for developing the digital literacy of non-traditional students: Begin by exploring the ways in which the group are already using mobile and web based technologies. Many of them will already be engaging with tech for personal use, for example Skyping relatives, keeping in touch on Facebook or using mobile phones. Literacy is not static: I like Bélisle's three models of literacy: functional, socio-cultural and transformational. What is digital? - Definition from Digital describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive.

What is digital? - Definition from

Positive is expressed or represented by the number 1 and non-positive by the number 0. Thus, data transmitted or stored with digital technology is expressed as a string of 0's and 1's. Each of these state digits is referred to as a bit (and a string of bits that a computer can address individually as a group is a byte). Prior to digital technology, electronic transmission was limited to analog technology, which conveys data as electronic signals of varying frequency or amplitude that are added to carrier waves of a given frequency. Broadcast and phone transmission has conventionally used analog technology.

Digital technology is primarily used with new physical communications media, such as satellite and fiber optic transmission. State-of-Online-Safety-Report-2011-Edition.pdf (application/pdf Object) ACMA What is digital media literacy and why is it important? Digital literacy. It's all about the conversation: Mark Zuckerberg speaks at the Facebook f8 Developer Conference at the San Francisco Design Center.

Digital literacy

Photograph: Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP/Getty Images The digital domain is a space for conversations based on shared values Within any university, faculties and departments tend to operate as silos. While students pursuing various degrees will develop specialist skills, they may also know how to apply them only in a certain way. So engineering students will expect to become engineers; music graduates will become musicians and so on. To understand how this is possible, first disregard the individual features of social media websites – tweets, likes, shares, pokes, posts, nudges and so on. Every time we publish information on the internet, we are effectively starting a conversation, because people can respond or react to it. There are two ways to get noticed. Digital literacy training should focus on communication skills A recent example. Developing Dig Inf Literacy: obstacles + supports. ACMA govt media_literacy_report 2007.