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ↂ Mediabox - Centre de Formation Adobe et Apple - Wiki. PHP Sessions in Red5. The first stumbling block I came up against was how to handle authenticating users connecting to the server.

PHP Sessions in Red5

My Red5 installation has access to the same database (and several parts of the application draw their data from it), so I have access to all the user and password information, but after the user’s initial login, why bother passing all that clag around when PHP already stores all the data I’d need in it’s session information. Also, why worry about long, cumbersome query strings when that data can all be stored in a session too?

PHP Setup Getting PHP to store it’s session data somewhere else is completely trivial. Basically, here’s all it takes: Flash Skins - JW Player Skins - Custom JW Media Player Version 4 and 5 Skins. The JW Media Player (Jeroen Wijering) is probably the most widely used media player on the Web.

Flash Skins - JW Player Skins - Custom JW Media Player Version 4 and 5 Skins

Even if you don't know the name, you've no doubt watched a video somewhere that uses it? The default control interface is so familiar: RED5 communauté Open Source Flash Server. Red5 Media Server.