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GTMNSData+zlib.h - google-toolbox-for-mac - Project Hosting on G. Facebook's three20 at master - GitHub. Creating a Static Library for iPhone — amateur in motion (r534) Apple iPhone Developer agreement forbids using Frameworks in iPhone applications. The main reasons Apple does not allow using them is performance considerations and that developer-private frameworks won’t be reused in memory between iPhone applications anyway. But this doesn’t prohibit 3rd party iPhone developers to create static libraries for reusable code and possibly even distribute them for other developers while not providing source-code. In this blog post I’ll try to describe the process of: creating a static library for iPhone OS platform in Xcode setting static library project as “Direct Dependency” for dependent project’s Target including static library public (and only public) headers in dependent project’s “Header Search Path” linking against created static library in another iPhone targeted application Nearly everything in the following applies to Mac OS X static libraries and projects too.

Create a static library Next, let’s create a Static Library Target. And two Products: Ziparchive - Project Hosting on Google Code. iPhone FBConnect: Facebook Connect Tutorial « Blog : Mobisoft In. Update (27 June 2012) : You can find the latest updated facebook integration tutorial on our blog at: Facebook iOS SDK Tutorial : iPhone App Facebook integration with SSO (Single Sign On) Please note that this tutorial is now obsolete. Please use facebook’s official tutorial Now a days social networking websites like facebook are becoming very popular, so integrating facebook with app has become a necessity to make you application popular. We are going to do the same through this tutorial. The Facebook Connect SDK provides code which third-party developers can embed into their applications to connect to their Facebook accounts and exchange information with iPhone apps.

It’s a way of embedding “social context” to an iPhone app, according to Facebook. Create a Viewbased Application with name ‘FacebookAPI’. 1.1.Open src/FBConnect.xcodeproj from SDK that you downloaded, and your own project as well. 1.2.Drag n drop FBConnect group. 1.4.To test import all .m n .h files in case any miss. You Can’t Fire Me, I Don’t Work In This Van » Blog Archive » Geo. Welcome to Windows Live.