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Design trends for 2011. Everything inside the design world is permanently changing, evolving and adapting into new ways of expression and communication looking to satisfy the new consuming needs and set innovative exchanging channels. 2010 made a huge closure for the final year of the first XXI century decade, we witnessed the rising of tablets (iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tablet among others), the demise of Internet Explorer 6 and the absurd fanaticism towards Flash (though it’s losing a lot of fans), which is going to be slowly replaced by HTML5 (we’re not saying that Flash is dead, only that HTML5 will begin to cover many of its current uses).

Editorial disclaimer Of course that the common design elements such as typography, navigability, color and more have also changed and as you will see on this article, these changes must be apprehended by every designer that wants to set his mark during 2011. No more clutter, it’s time to clean things up More good examples Don’t be shy, start playing with typefaces. Design trends for 2012. Around the end of the year you’ll find in all web design theme oriented blogs and sites countdowns on what trends you should look out for in 2012, you may be thinking that this is just one more of those repetitive listings but you’re wrong! This is not your usual countdown …….it’s THE COUNTDOWN for web design trends 2012, complete with all the information, inquire, showcase, video tutorials and controversy points of view that the other trends listings don’t show you. Yeah, yeah, so our categories in the trend listing can be alike to others seen in the web now days. But here at we’ve looked to make the difference by giving you a much more thorough guide to web design in 2012, that besides providing a general description of each trend and two or three examples, it also brings you detailed information concerning each trend!

Contents Html5, CSS3/CSS4, JavaScript and JQuery I. HTML5 fighting future challenges! What is HTML 5 & 5 Reasons to Use It II. III. IV. I. II. III. I. I.