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Slice · the handheld cordless digital design cutter by making memories. 好可愛的《創意杯墊》買了還是會忘記用 [18P] - 五花八門圖集. 有沒有什麼東西買回家特別不會用的嗎?

好可愛的《創意杯墊》買了還是會忘記用 [18P] - 五花八門圖集

如夢絕對選杯墊! 但又會莫名其妙地想買,尤其是有點貴但設計特別,或是可愛到不買會對不起自己的杯墊,就都會忍不住把它們帶回家,但! 還真的不會拿出來用耶~因為會喝到一半才想到,啊! 我有買新杯墊! 或者其實是捨不得用~之類的理由,導致杯墊會開始慢慢在家裡繁殖(嗯?) ▼其實我有點不懂滲血的意義在…? ▼倉庫常看到的木板墊(?) ▼吐司形狀的軟木杯墊超可愛的!! ▼邊喝可以邊拼耶! ▼這個馬賽克杯墊還可以自己撕出想要的形狀 ▼每天都在刷的iPhone桌面也變杯墊了 ▼設計人會不會最討厭看到這組杯墊啊?? 好多都好想要喔~~可是一定又不會用wwww. Glowing bacteria could power 'bio-light' The bio-light concept creates a glowing green light.

Glowing bacteria could power 'bio-light'

Hand-blown glass bottles are filled with bioluminescent bacteria which glow green when fed methane gas. Silicon tubes feed the glass jars from a waste digester below. Designed by Dutch electronics company Philips, the bio-light forms part of an "intergrated cyclical system" which attempts to address issues of sustainability in the home. Bio-light Bio-light concept looks at new biological ways of creating lightBioluminescent bacteria exposed to methane gas glow greenDutch electronics company Philips exploring idea of domestic cyclical ecosystem (CNN) -- This bizarre-looking concoction of glass, liquid and tubes could one day bring a whole new meaning to the idea of natural lighting. The new "bio-light" concept designed by Dutch electronics company Philips creates light in the same way that bioluminescent living organisms like fireflies and glow worms do.

HICKIES. Google倫敦新辦公室 這次又怎麼讓員工放輕鬆呢? - 五花八門圖集. Google倫敦新辦公室 這次又怎麼讓員工放輕鬆呢?

Google倫敦新辦公室 這次又怎麼讓員工放輕鬆呢? - 五花八門圖集

其實我們已經看過好幾次像Google或Facebook醬子年輕有朝氣的公司的辦公室了,和我們所以為的(或是至少小狄我以為的)大企業想像中方方正正、整整齊齊的辦公室不同,像這種講求創意的公司,其實他們更重視的往往是員工能不能靈光一現,所以辦公室往往不按牌理出牌,而且有很多讓人放鬆的設施。 Google設在倫敦的新辦公室日前曝光,感覺上就是一間讓人可以在自由愉快的環境下工作的感覺,到底是什麼樣的辦公室呢? Google位在倫敦SOHO區的新辦公室看出去的風景,是不是超棒? 倫敦新辦公室的內部照片 ▼這個桌子到底是打什麼的XD ▼氣氛溫暖舒適的辦公室內 ▼被書架和木置物架所隔離出的一個空間 ▼旁邊就有可以坐下來看書的地方 ▼大量的木製家具跟落地窗 ▼看起來就很舒服的椅子 ▼還有可以鍛鍊的空間 ▼非常寬敞的內部設計 ▼偶爾來點創意的裝潢 ▼這是提醒你"環保(GREEN)"的重要性 ▼外面也是綠油油的 ▼幾乎整間辦公室都有充足的自然採光 ▼辦公桌的旁邊就有舒適的椅子,和需要時可以使用的小隔間 ▼還有「不同主題」的小會議室 ▼而主會議室在這裡 ▼還有Google辦公室一定會有的玩具 誰不想在這種環境上班呢(陶醉~) Chrome devices. Deepworld: A Cloud-Based Multiplayer Crafting Adventure by Mike Laurence. Deepworld is getting all kinds of fun new features, just in time for our backers to come join the fun in a couple of weeks!

Deepworld: A Cloud-Based Multiplayer Crafting Adventure by Mike Laurence

We've added avatar customization, achievements, lots of new items, and we're close to finishing our awesome custom sign builder so you can label your fine creations. More is coming, too, and we'll keep you posted! Thanks for your continued support! We've been working hard to make Deepworld more fun and social than ever; our latest features let you follow your friends and teleport across the entire universe!

We think it really differentiates Deepworld from other sandbox games. Deepworld is a 2D crafting adventure game with a persistent, online sandbox universe just waiting for you to explore! We at Bytebin Studios have been working on Deepworld for six months, and it's almost ready for Mac beta! Check out our YouTube channel for more in-depth looks at the gameplay. "I’m really excited to see what three bright-eyed indie developers can pull off with Deepworld. " HICKIES - TURN YOUR KICKS INTO SLIP-ONS by Mariquel & Gaston. Like HICKIES on Facebook Follow us on twitter @HICKIES You want to ditch your shoelaces.


We know and feel your pain. Laces come undone and get filthy, you step on them and trip, and you've spent countless hours tying and untying them. Shoelaces have been around since about 3500 BC – technology has improved almost everything else and yet here we are still, with the same basic system invented by cavemen! THAT’S WHY WE’VE CREATED HICKIES® – A ground-breaking lacing system that replaces traditional shoelaces and lets you easily slip in and out of your shoes while keeping them snug and secure. METICULOUS DESIGN. SIMPLICITY IS THE KEY. SLIP INTO YOUR SHOES. MAKE YOUR SNEAKERS MORE COMFORTABLE. ONE SIZE ONLY. (*)Our current version of HICKIES is not recommended for infants under one year-old or wide “skater’s” shoes; we are working on new versions of HICKIES for these outliers!

LOTS OF COLORS! We hated tying our shoes and we never liked the shoelace bows in our kicks. Absolutely everyone! A. B. 21 ways of turning pallets into unique pieces of furniture. Industrial Design Served.


Archetecture. ResourceFurniture.