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Animal Weighing Scales - Lazybone. Pour vivre heureux, vivons légers : Nomade’s land. Ils ont décidé de vivre avec 100 objets. Les personnages d’Hiroshi Yoshii. Hiroshi Yoshii on the Behance Network. Corky Mouse Generates Energy With Every Click | Inhabitat - Green Design... Portable wireless mice have a problem: most of them rely upon disposable batteries, which often wind up in landfills as e-waste. Adele Peters’ Corky mouse aims to change all that — it’s a kinetic energy-harvesting mouse that is powered with a flick of the wrist.

One of 18 finalists in this year’s Greener Gadgets Design Competition, it’s also made from 100% recycled plastic components and recycled and biodegradable cork. The Corky mouse uses piezoelectric elements to generate energy every time you click or move it around on your desk – even rolling the scroll wheel will generate a few watts. We’ve seen many watches that harvest kinetic energy, so the technology is definitely available, and it makes a lot of sense in this application. Since computer mice function through movement, why not harness that expended energy? Adele is also considering the device’s sustainability from a systems-based approach – something we love to see in industrial design. . + Corky. Kisses CD Holders.

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Body Laptop Wooly Jumper. Warning: Nerd content. Whatever social life and dignity you had will be destroyed after you buy this. Hahaha just kidding. But c’mon… this is just way too weird. By the way, there’s also a scarf which you tech addicts (one who can tell what speed a computer is connecting just by the sound the modem makes, lol) can wear to get the privacy and concentration you need in public places. (via Gizmodo) Garbage Pin. This tiny and mobile garbage pin is by Portugese designer Ana Cardim.

I have a friend at work who could use this. Hurray! Click here for more photos. Ricardo garza marcos » Blog Archive » san andres coffee table. Hola, esta pagina ya no esta siendo actualizada ya que hemos cambiado el sitio para ofrecer una mejor experiencia, por favor visitanos en para ver los proyectos mas recientes. Hello, this page is no longer being updated because we've changed the site to provide a better experience, please visit us at to view the most recent projects. Dec16 san andres coffee table <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered wpgb_shadowed"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there!

If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" san andres es una mesa de centro de madera. inspirada en la falla tectónica ubicada entre la placa pacífica y la de norte américa. deja tu comentario. - Portfolio. Aufziehbare Steampunk Hand aus Holz | PolkaRobot.