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Triangle Pattern Mirror. Ok ok, I will admit, my triangle obsession is a little out of control.

Triangle Pattern Mirror

I promise I will switch it up and add a new pattern to my repertoire. But first…A couple weeks ago, I popped into my local thrift store and spotted this mirror for $15, it was a little chipped and beaten up, but had potential. After a coat of black paint, I added just a few triangles, and it had a whole new look! This is why I can never pass up a thrift store steal. Step and supplies after the break… What you need: Thrifted Mirror Black paint Paint brushWhite matte contact paper Square paper punch What to do:Paint the mirror frame with black paint. Des jouets détournés en patères - Video sur Une étagère esprit nature - Video sur La nature reprend ses droits dans la maison.

Une étagère esprit nature - Video sur

Ici, on aime le côté brut d'une branche utilisée pour la réalisation d'une étagère dans un esprit cabane. Niveau : moyen. Des caisses à vin transformées en bibliothèque - Video sur Little Girl’s Gift Idea- DIY Dress Up Station. My little girl is turning 4 next week, so I am in complete party mode!

Little Girl’s Gift Idea- DIY Dress Up Station

We plan on having a little tea party with her little friends and I thought it would be fun to have a little dress up station so the girls can get all dressed up for the tea party. As I was making this I decided that not only am I going to use it for her party, but I think it will be perfect for closet too. So I decided to turn it into a gift too. I made the little station and then bought her a couple dresses and I bunch of little jewelry and boas to go with it. I can't wait for her to see it and use it! The station itself was super easy to make. Here are the connecting pieces that I bought. I put the caps onto the 8 inch pieces and then put them into the T shape one, those were the legs. Then I used the other connectors and put in the 18" piece. In Honor Of Design.

I was in sore need of a good garment rack for some upcoming shoots, so with a gentle nudge, I managed to lasso Gabe for another project to share with you all;) This is a DIY garment rack project that you can use in your own home, which might be a good option for you if you are short on closet space!

In Honor Of Design

I am learning how to use the power tools, but this beauty was made by Gabe alone (minus the spray paint finish;)), and so he is taking over today to share step by step instructions. Feel free to leave your questions in the comment section for us to answer or shoot us an email! Supplies Wood for your base (Please see below regarding base) 2 – 2x2x8 (or 2x4x6) for extra support under the base. 3 – 3/4in x 5ft black pipe 2 – 3/4in 90 degree black pipe elbow 2 – 3/4in threaded floor flange 1 – box of screws (The length depends on the thickness of the wood chosen for the base.) 4 – wheels (I used hooded ball swivel plate casters.) 2 – spray paint (Anna chose a Rustoleum in copper. Decorviva: Lixo-Luxo: Um móvel retrô direto da caçamba! Dessa vez não fui eu quem estava passando pela caçamba certa na hora certa!

Decorviva: Lixo-Luxo: Um móvel retrô direto da caçamba!

Foi o meu sobrinho, Breno, de apenas 11 aninhos! :-) Sabendo da paixão de sua querida dinda por resgatar tesouros das profundezas das caçambas sem fim, Breno não teve dúvidas...Me presenteou com duas lindas gavetas velhas que encontrou no caminho da escola pra casa kkk (provavelmente frutos de algum escritório desfeito). Nem preciso dizer o tamanho do orgulho né? Meu menino sabe das coisas! Como o presente veio cheio de carinho, a responsabilidade de transformá-lo em algo que o sobrinho pudesse se orgulhar foi ainda maior. Depois de ficar algumas semanas olhando pras gavetinhas gêmeas, eis que surge a solução: Elas permaneceriam unidas para sempre, em forma de um móvelzinho simpático e com carinha de antiguinho.

WHISICAL HAND PAINTED FURNITURE - RUBBER STAMPED CHAIR - JOYFUL DAISY. This adorable hand painted and stamped chair just gleams Joyful Daisy!


All it needed was a bath, a new seat, and some paint!!! I love the Mackenzie Child’s style checkerboard done in cream and yellow. Bricolage : recycler des veilles consoles en lampe - Cownerie. Vous savez plus quoi faire de vos veilles manettes de console et bien ce n’est pas le cas de Woody6Swtich.

Bricolage : recycler des veilles consoles en lampe - Cownerie

L’américain plutôt adroit de ses mains propose de vous éclairer d’une bien originale façon. Plutôt que de finir leur jour remisé dans leur carton poussiéreux, voilà une manière fun de recycler votre ancien joujou préféré, afin d’en faire un objet geekissime. Ce bricoleur geek se présente comme un fan de la console Atari 2600, un dinosaure du jeu vidéo que les moins de 20 ans ne peuvent pas connaitreuh... . Sur son Shop en ligne Woody6Switch propose tout un tas d’objets détournés, toutes créations originales, qu’il met en vente. Voilà qui pourrait donner des idées aux fermiers bricoleurs et si c’est le cas n’hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos créations. Tanna Gail Vintage & Handmade - The (almost) Free Lamp Re-DO.

This lamp belonged to my mother.

Tanna Gail Vintage & Handmade - The (almost) Free Lamp Re-DO

In her house it seemed just fine. Everything was always neat and dusted and in unyielding good taste. At my house it just seemed forlorn and ugly. Out of context, I could see the worn, dingy, shade and the dated brass finish was something I was never fond of. I decided to embark on my first lamp re-do. Ahem... Not bad! Reunited, but all is not well. Trucs et Astuces…ne jetez pas avant d’avoir consulté AWIIILI RECUP… Ceci s’adresse à nous tous… Un tas de cintres, une vieille échelle, des bouteilles en verre (chinés 50 ou 100 dirhams, un vide-grenier l’été dernier, une affaire… qui ne sert à rien !)

Trucs et Astuces…ne jetez pas avant d’avoir consulté AWIIILI RECUP…

: Voilà un joli méli-mélo de tout et surtout n’importe quoi qui encombre nos placards et va filer tout droit vers la poubelle. Hep hep hep, attendez une minute. Pop Top Lampshades. Toutencarton.