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July-December 2o12

Janv-June 2o12. Occupy Monsanto. Home. "Occupy This Album" Digital Sampler. Occupy The World Photo Compilation. Global Voices · #Occupy Worldwide. #OccupyIndianapolis ( Table of Contents A series of global protests against economic inequality and corporate greed calling for the “occupation” of different cities, banks, and public squares began in September 2011 with “Occupy Wall Street” in New York City.

Global Voices · #Occupy Worldwide

Soon after, similar demonstrations were organized across the United States and also around the world. It's a decentralized and leaderless movement, inspired by uprisings in Egypt and Spain, and organized by citizens who use online media avidly. The primary slogan – “We are the 99%” – refers to the 1% of the U.S. population who control nearly a quarter of the wealth.

See our Europe in Crisis special coverage examining popular discontent with the social, political and financial consequences of Europe's financial bailouts. What we do: Global Voices bloggers from around the world report on how citizens use the Internet and social media to make their voices heard, often translating from different languages. Back to Contents Resources Twitter. Le parfait manifestant - Anonyme / Traduction Serge Quadruppani. Rédigé par une dame italienne très respectable et nullement excitée, le texte qui suit est une réaction aux délires politico-médiatiques qui accompagnent la répression du mouvement « No-Tav », en lutte contre l’entreprise politico-mafieuse qui vise à détruire un peu plus le Val de Suse (TAV est l’acronyme italien de « train à grande vitesse »). 21 personnes sont encore en prison à la suite de la rafle opérée le 26 janvier en liaison avec les bagarres du 3 juillet (une manif avait marché jusqu’aux grillages protégeant le fortin de la police édifié là où devrait commencer le chantier)1.

Le parfait manifestant - Anonyme / Traduction Serge Quadruppani

Le parfait manifestant 1. Il ne DOIT pas s’habiller en noir ou en marron foncé ou en bleu marine (on ne sait jamais). 2. Il doit marcher de manière digne et/ou danser, sautiller, faire la ronde (mais il ne faut PAS que tout le monde se couche par terre… ça gênerait la progression du cortège). 3. 4. 5. 6. Banksy 7. 8. 9.

En passant ...

American Autumn: An Occudoc. Filmmaker Dennis Trainor Jr. on his new film and the challenges facing the Occupy Movement - Bio Dennis Trainor, Jr. is currently the host of the web series of Acronym TV.

American Autumn: An Occudoc

He has been writing and producing editorial video commentary since 2007, publishing over 800 short form videos. He was an embedded youtube personality and media advisor for Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 Presidential campaign. He is the writer, producer, and directr of the newly released documentary “American Autumn: An Occudoc.” American Autumn: an Occudoc. Connecting Occupations. Occupy Well Street, Stop Fracking! Quebec demonstrations #manifencours. Notre Dame des Landes (aéroport) #ZAD #NDDL.