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28 / 10 / 2011

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ÉTATS-UNIS • Les indignés inventent la "bibliotente" Pour tenir dans la durée, les militants du mouvement "Occupy Wall Street" s'organisent. A New York, Boston et dans plusieurs autres campements, des coins bibliothèque ont fait leur apparition pour occuper le terrain... et les esprits. La ville de Boston, qui abrite la première grande bibliothèque publique ouverte aux Etats-Unis, possède désormais un tout nouveau coin lecture, un peu moins majestueux. Installée sous une tente militaire, la bibliothèque du camp Occupy Boston, sur Dewey Square, offre une myriade d'ouvrages érudits à emprunter, sans date de retour ni frais pour restitution tardive. Sa collection, qui comprend plus de 500 volumes classés par genre (consumérisme, identité sexuelle, militantisme/organisation) et ne cesse de croître, est gérée par un libraire et un petit groupe de bibliothécaires qui soutiennent le mouvement. Occupy Boston n'est pas la seule branche du mouvement à posséder sa propre bibliothèque.

Reste que tenir une bibliotente présente plus d'une difficulté. Vandalised Banksy Occupy London Sculpture. St Paul's installation covered in graffiti by other protesters The new sculptural work by Banksy the Bristol born graffiti artist installed at the St Paul's Cathedral, Occupy London camp has been vandalised. It was unveiled two days ago in solidarity with the world wide Anti-Greed protest that has taken over 'The City'. The elusive politically pro-activist artist has designed a 3 dimensional adaptation of a Monopoly Board with Mr Moneybags portrayed as a down and out panhandler.

There are large scale models of playing pieces, including a sports car (to represent bankers) and a red plastic house with a Tox tag sprayed onto it. This is a reference to the jailed London Graffiti artist TOX and also a visual play on the toxic morgages that kick started the current recession. The work of art is valued at over £400,000 and has already become a tourist attraction. Watch the video as Mr Moneybags will be gone in a few days. Occupy Wall Street: Arrests in Nashville and San Diego. 28 October 2011Last updated at 22:41 Demonstrators say they are protesting economic inequality and corporate greed Protesters in two US cities have been detained after police moved into their camps during the night.

In Nashville, a new law was enacted preventing camping overnight near the Tennessee state Capitol. In San Diego, police arrested 51 people at 02:30 (9:30 GMT), removing tents, canopies, tables and other furniture. On the US East Coast, many of those taking part in Occupy protests are preparing for an unseasonally cold storm due to hit this weekend. As much as 10in (25cm) of snow is expected in some areas on Saturday, with between two and four inches forecast for New York City. Protesters are raising money and floating ideas for how to cope as the temperature drops. Suggestions reportedly include stockpiling donated coats and blankets, trying to find more secure tents and turning to possible indoor locations. State troopers Around 75 state troopers were used for the operation.

Europe. On the Previous Few Days, And What Is to Come… | BayofRage. On the Previous Few Days, And What Is to Come… Posted by OaklandCommune on Thursday, October 27, 2011 · Leave a Comment Oakland Takes Out The Trash. Tuesday, 3am – 7am On Monday, October 24th the second weekend of #OccupyOakland had come and gone; charisma from Saturday’s march [link] had passed and a police raid was imminent. Beyond popular speculation that the city and the police were planning the destruction of Oscar Grant Plaza, there were a few obvious clues that Monday night would be the night. For one, the city had issued letters to select businesses around the plaza suggesting that there would be police activities sometime in the coming day. Before the rubber bullets and concussion grenades, the hundred or so arrests and unrelenting spider mobs that saturated downtown Oakland, there was joyous, eager barricading.

There was hopeful but little supposition that these people and barricades could deter the police, let alone defend the camp. Library. This was only the beginning… Joining Occupy Wall Street Cost Me My Job. 1. You don't fire someone for potentially iffy cause if you can just lay them off due to budget cutbacks. One is majorly lawyer-uppable and the other mostly isn't. I've managed hiring/firing and this is a no-brainer. Also, if you have a choice as to firing someone for cause over poor job performance as opposed to political controversy, you always go with poor performance, which will be harder to defeat in court. Firing someone for political expression on their own time is the fastest way to lawsuits and bad publicity. Yet his phone call to her shows that this was in fact what she was fired for, at least officially. 2.

Her boss, on the other hand, could just be a dick. But no, she got fired, so she must have deserved it. I think a lot of employers wait until they have a tangible reason to fire an undesired employee instead of just firing them for general work performance for their own peace of mind. If this woman was a valued employee she wouldnt have been fired. Total bullshit. “Occupy Design” symbolise Occupy Wall Street. Parmi les manifestants de New-York se trouvent un certain nombre de designers. Ces derniers se sont réunis au sein d'"Occupy Design" pour donner à leur mobilisation une forme plus graphique.

Le projet Occupy Design est porté par des graphistes qui manifestent à Wall Street en ce moment : afin de propager la protestation, ils ont ouvert un site Internet qui offre des outils graphiques, des pictogrammes ou des symboles. Le tout pouvant servir à créer des messages repris par les protestataires. Ils espèrent que ces signes les aideront à poursuivre le mouvement, véhiculant un message clair à ceux qui les regardent. Les messages ci-dessus sont donc souvent fondées sur des chiffres comme les 14 millions d’Américains au chômage. Article initialement publié sur, le site de Geoffrey Dorne, auteur de notre chronique Vendredi C’est Graphism! Retrouvez le dossier d’OWNI Occuper Wall Street et son esprit et tous les articles consacrés à ce mouvement sur notre site.

Le mouvement Occupy Wall Street rendu à un carrefour. WSWS : Nouvelles et analyses : Etats-Unis Par Joseph Kishore 28 octobre 2011 Imprimez cet article | Ecrivez à l'auteur Le mouvement de protestations contre les inégalités sociales, Occupy Wall Street, qui a débuté à New York il y a un mois et s'est depuis étendu à des centaines de villes à travers les États-Unis et dans le monde, est arrivé à un carrefour politique. La classe dirigeante y a réagi par une stratégie à deux volets. Les tentatives visant à canaliser le mécontentement politique au sein du système politique actuel ont été combinées à une vague d'arrestations et de violences policières allant en croissant rapidement.

La dernière action a été la plus brutale. La police antiémeute a maintenu une forte présence à Oakland durant toute la journée. Si ces actes de répression politiques survenaient en Iran ou en Syrie, ils seraient condamnés par l'establishment politique et les médias américains. Pour sa part, Obama ne dit rien au sujet de la répression. Haut. OCCUPY FRANCE. NOVEMBER 5TH BANK TRANSFER DAY. PASS ON | Forum.