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Données construites. Exemple d'interaction augmentée. BadgeOS™ is a powerful free plugin to WordPress that lets you easily create achievements and issue sharable badges as your users succeed.

exemple d'interaction augmentée

Activate the free BadgeStack extension to instantly create Levels, Quests and Badge Achievement Types — and start badging! Each BadgeOS site can be customized to your goals, community, visual identity, and the right mix of social and self-directed activity. Des machines à penser ? 1/ hacking minding. We know surprisingly little about our own personalities, attitudes and even self-esteem.

1/ hacking minding

How do we live with that? How do you imagine your own mind? 2/ hacking feeling. 3/ hacking thinking. A nice, clear, and mostly correct statement.

3/ hacking thinking

However, you are forgetting one thing: Those in power wish to stay in power. Those who have power wish to have more power. And those who have property that could suddenly not be "theirs" would be highly resistant to relinquishing said property. Therefore such straightforward language would never make it into law in a modern society.

² sas 0056

Ressources (mdv) °mindcard 0047.