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Cyber Security Index Highlights Political Threats, Business Partner Risk. National Cyber Security Strategies. Understanding the Origins of the China – Philippine Cyber War. For many years, there has been a territorial dispute between China and Philippines over the Scarborough Shoal (Philippine Term: Panatag Shoal) or Huangyan Island (Chinese Term) and the Spratlys Island.

Understanding the Origins of the China – Philippine Cyber War

But the most disputed island today is the Scarborough Shoal because of the growing tension after the Chinese government sent a military vessel or a navy fleet into the South China Sea after rejecting a Philippine proposal to submit the Panatag Shoal dispute. A few days later, some defacers vandalized the official website of the University of the Philippines and left a note that they were from China and that Huangyan Island is theirs and not the Philippines. News spread regarding the defacement and intrusion of the hackers, who claim to be from China, and because of that a hacker who goes by the handle busabos retaliated and defaced three Chinese domains:, and In his defacement he said: Chinese government is clearly retarded. The Iranian Internet.