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Science: High School

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SciVee | Making Science Visible. Video Library. STAR - Software Tools for Academics and Researchers. MIT+K12 Videos. High School Engineering. Maths, Science and Engineering Formulas and Tables.


Chemistry. : for Science : Science Topic Index. DiracDelta Science & Engineering Encyclopedia. SciCentral: Gateway to the best science news sources. ScienceDaily: News, Videos & Articles in Science, Health, Technology & Environment. Sparticl Homepage. Live Science: Scientific News, Articles and Current Events. Science NetLinks. Science Fair Project Ideas, Answers, & Tools.

National Geographic: Images of Animals, Nature, and Cultures. Science 360 Video Library. SciShow. Understanding Science. CK-12 Online Foundation Free Online Textbooks, Flashcards, Practice, Real World Examples, Simulations.

Science Reference Center. Sky. Do-It-Yourself Podcast: Topics. Compare Earth's life support system with that of the International Space Station. In space, recycling is a necessity. A microbiologist who helped design the space station's life support system explains the importance of recycling in space and how it is accomplished. This module includes these resources: 17 video clips of a scientist and astronaut explaining the methods of and reasons for recycling on the space station, including two clips from the first time astronauts drank from the space station’s new water processor.

Six b-roll clips, including animations of how urine is processed into water. 16 audio clips of experts discussing recycling on the station. 16 links to images related to recycling and Earth's water cycle. › Go to Recycling NASA's Do-It-Yourself Podcast Create multimedia projects with NASA video, audio and images. BioDigital Human: Anatomy and Health Conditions in Interactive 3D. DIYbio. ScienceDaily: News, Videos & Articles in Science, Health, Technology & Environment. SciCentral: Gateway to the best science news sources. National Geographic: Images of Animals, Nature, and Cultures. HowStuffWorks - Learn How Everything Works!

New Sims - PhET Simulations.