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Craig Newmark on editors and news curation. The 3 C's: Creation. Curation. Consumption. The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and JESS3. The Creative Plateau and Content Curation. So why is the amount of newly generated content beginning to bottom out?

The Creative Plateau and Content Curation

Here are three possible reasons: 1. The Innovation Adoption Curve Fans of the innovation adoption curve suggest that the hype associated with socially driven and created content is beginning to reach its zenith. The Three C’s of Social Content: Consumption, Curation, Creation. InShare180 Over the years, social networks have lured us from the confines of our existing realities into a new genre of digital domains that not only captivated us, but fostered the creation of new realities. As George Bernard Shaw observed, “Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.”