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Modelos de Negócios Online

Facebook Twitter 3.2 - Modelo de Negócio Na essência, o negócio tradicional de televisão baseia-se na entrega de audiências a anunciantes, ou seja, conquistar audiências através dos programas para a vender a empresas que desejam publicitar os seus produtos e serviços.

Actualmente, podemos distinguir três tipos principais de empresas de televisão: a) Televisões comerciais, que baseiam o seu negócio na comercialização de espaço publicitário; b) Televisões de subscrição, conhecidas como pay-tv, com emissões codificadas, sem acesso livre, cujo modelo de negócio assenta nas subscrições pagas pelos seus assinantes; c) Televisões públicas, pertencentes ao Estado, ou a outras entidades públicas, onde a principal fonte de rendimentos é constituída pelas subvenções pagas pelo Estado. 3.2.1 - Clientes No modelo de negócio tradicional das televisões comerciais, a venda de espaço publicitário constitui a principal fonte de rendimentos. 3.2.2 - Produto: tempo O espaço publicitário é vendido em segundos. Business Models on the Web. Business models are perhaps the most discussed and least understood aspect of the web.

Business Models on the Web

There is so much talk about how the web changes traditional business models. But there is little clear-cut evidence of exactly what this means. In the most basic sense, a business model is the method of doing business by which a company can sustain itself -- that is, generate revenue. The business model spells-out how a company makes money by specifying where it is positioned in the value chain. Some models are quite simple. Internet commerce will give rise to new kinds of business models. Business models have been defined and categorized in many different ways. The basic categories of business models discussed in the table below include: The models are implemented in a variety of ways, as described below with examples. Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of intellectual property that can be protected with a patent. Hear the podcast: The 9 types of online business models. As a follow up to my “7 Types of Entrepreneurs; which one are you?”

The 9 types of online business models

Post from yesterday I thought I’d look into business models once more. One of the most popular questions for startups online (and even major ones like Twitter and Facebook) is ‘what is your business model’. Sometimes the question is sincere but often it is voiced more like an accusation: what is the hell is their business model anyway? The interesting thing about business models is that there is not much magic involved. Business models are pretty much set and all you have to do really is apply one of them to your business.

These business models aren’t exactly new either. The business model structure I’m talking about has been researched by Professor Michael Rappa, director of theInstitute for Advanced Analytics at North Carolina State University. Brokerage Brokers are market-makers: they bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions. Merchant Wholesalers and retailers of goods and services. Internet Business Models Article. Let's say you're a wool sweater expert and you've decided to start your own Internet business.

Internet Business Models Article

Well, great! But exactly what sort of business do you want? While you could simply knit a bunch of sweaters and sell them on a Web site, you'll want to consider your options first: You could start an online sweater auction, create a site for online custom sweater design, build a wool sweater information portal, or get together with your knitting buddies to sell all your different products from one site. These are just several Web business models you could choose. Each Web business model draws on certain skills and will entail a certain set of responsibilities.

Let's examine the three most common Web business models: product sales (selling goods), service sales (offering services), and information delivery (providing an informational Web site). Web Business Model: Product SalesA Web business based on product sales is about selling a physical, shippable product online.