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15+ techniques and tools for cross browser CSS coding. Part 1 – Techniques Of course, efficient crossbrowser CSS development starts with techniques and good practices. In the first part of the article, I’ll show you X techniques that will make your crossbrowser development easier. Reset CSS Due to the fact web browsers define different default styling for html elements, the first thing to do is to always include a CSS reset in your stylesheet. By using this code, you’re already eliminating lots of future headaches. Internet Explorer conditionnal comments Let’s face it: Internet Explorer, especially the dinosaur IE6, is the front-end developer nightmare. You can also target only a certain version of IE: Internet Explorer hacks While conditionnal comments are better, you can also target some versions of Internet Explorer using the following syntax: This technique is not W3C compliant (this is why you should use conditionnal comments instead) but sometimes, it is a real time saver.

Targeting Opera only @media all and (min-width: 0px){ .classname {} } The Developer’s Guide To Writing Cross-Browser JavaScript Polyfills. I believe it's one of our responsibilities as designers and developers to both advocate for best practices and encourage others to make the leap to using modern features for a modern web. At the same time, we need to do our best to avoid leaving users with older browsers behind. Polyfills – a term coined by Remy Sharp to describe JavaScript shims that replicate the standard API found in native features of new browsers for those without such features – are a way of helping us achieve this. In today's post, I'm going to recount my experience of creating a cross-browser polyfill along with the lessons learned along the way.

I'll also give you some tips on how you can create your own polyfills and avoid some of the headaches developers often run into when coding them for the first time. I believe in not leaving any feature behind - we shouldn't need to make the decision not to use the functionality a feature offers just because it isn't natively supported in some browsers. Feature detection. Tools to Check for Cross-browser Compatibility. Cross-browser refers to the ability for a website, web application, HTML construct or client-side script to render equally across different web browser products and versions. The goal of doing cross-browser testing is to ensure that a website or web application is accessible to the largest possible audience without any loss in usability and performance.

The term cross-browser have been around since the web development era started. Back in the early days of the Internet browsers where really working against each other and it was a real pain for developers to get it right typically associated with high cost and low maintainability. Today the large players Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer have been aligned quite well, but as soon as you want to use new features in e.g. HTML5 you will find that there are still plenty of reasons to get headache. In this article I have listed useful online tools for cross-browser compatibility testing. Advertisement 1. The browsers it supports: 2. 3. 4.

30 Online Tools for website Validation, Cross Browser and Testing. Validation is a process where we check out the data against a standard or requirement. And if we come across the website validation phenomena then it becomes very important to verify the quality and correctness of web page code. Before launching any new website we should not overlook the check and test process for a website that actually helps us to ensure that whether web pages working or not with great looks.

Validating a website helps in many ways. From making it load right / the same in all browsers to helping you in the SEO area. Testing is one thing also that you cannot afford to take lightly. Advertisement 1. This Link Checker looks for issues in links, anchors and referenced objects in a Web page, CSS style sheet, or recursively on a whole Web site. 2. 3. This checker performs various tests on a Web Page to determine its level of mobile-friendliness. 4. It is a part of W3C where a document should have passed the test. 5. Enter the URL of the page you want to check. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 Useful tools for cross-browser. Something that makes a website great is when it is compatible in multiple browsers regardless of version. Technically this is referred to as cross-browser compatibility. Wikipedia defines cross-browser as: The ability for a website, web application, HTML construct or client-side script to support all the web browsers.

Now, you may be confused on what is the difference between cross-browser and multi-browser. Multi-browser means a website will work in several web browsers like Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer. Image by: lagiamd This can be a struggle for developers throughout the creation of their websites. In this article you will find ten useful tools that you can use for your cross-browser compatibility check. 1. BrowserShots is a free cross-browser tool that captures screenshots of the website in different browsers. The browsers it supports are: Google ChromeDilloELinksEpiphanyMozilla FirefoxGaleon and more… The operating system it supports are: LinuxWindowsMacBSD 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.