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Hex Blanket Inspiration, Patterns, and Tutorials

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Laura Marling’s British Folk CD ‘Creature I Don’t Know’ Let's Talk About Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Stroke. You can do plenty to make your heart and blood vessels healthy, even if you’ve had a stroke.

Let's Talk About Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Stroke

A healthy lifestyle plays a big part in decreasing your risk for disability and death from stroke and heart attack. How can I make my lifestyle healthier? Here are the steps to take to be healthier and reduce your risk of stroke: Don’t smoke and avoid second-hand smoke.Improve your eating habits. Eat foods low in saturdated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars. How do I stop smoking? Make a decision to quit — and commit to stick to it.Ask your healthcare provider for information, programs and medications that may help.Fight the urge to smoke by going to smoke-free facilities.

How do I change my eating habits? What about physical activity? If you have a medical condition, check with your doctor before you start.Start slowly and build up to at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate physical activity (such as brisk walking) a week.Look for even small chances to be more active. Let's Talk About Changes Caused by Stroke. Your brain controls how you move, feel, communicate, think and act.

Let's Talk About Changes Caused by Stroke

Brain injury from a stroke may affect any of these abilities. Some changes are common no matter which side of the brain the injury is on. Others are based on which side of the brain the stroke inures. What are the most common general effects of stroke? Hemiparesis (weakness on one side of the body) or hemiplegia (paralysis on one side of the body) Let's Talk About Emotional Changes After Stroke. Right after a stroke, a survivor may respond one way, yet weeks later respond differently.

Let's Talk About Emotional Changes After Stroke

Some survivors may react with sadness; others may be cheerful. These emotional reactions may occur because of biological or psychological causes due to stroke. These changes may vary with time and can interfere with rehabilitation. Let's Talk About Feeling Tired After a Stroke. After a stroke, almost all stroke survivors feel tired at some point.

Let's Talk About Feeling Tired After a Stroke

Stroke survivors often must work harder to make up for the loss of normal functions (such as being unable to use an arm or hand). But you’ll probably start feeling less tired after a few months. For some people, tiredness may continue for years after a stroke, but they usually find ways to make the most of the energy they have. Why am I so tired? It’s important to pinpoint what’s causing you to be tired. You may have less energy than before because of sleeping poorly, not getting enough exercise, poor nutrition or the side effects of medicine.You have as much energy as before, but you’re using it differently.

We have many other fact sheets to help you make healthier choices to reduce your risk, manage disease or care for a loved one. Knowledge is power, so Learn and Live! Let's Talk About High Blood Pressure and Stroke. What is high blood pressure (HBP)?

Let's Talk About High Blood Pressure and Stroke

High blood pressure means that the force of the blood pushing against the sides of your arteries is consistently in the high range. This can lead to stroke, heart attack, heart failure or kidney failure. Two numbers represent blood pressure. The higher (systolic) number shows the pressure while the heart is beating. The lower (diastolic) number shows the pressure when the heart is resting between beats. A blood pressure reading of less than 120 over 80 is considered normal for adults. How does high blood pressure increase stroke risk? HBP adds to your heart’s workload and damages your arteries and organs over time. About 87 percent of strokes are caused by narrowed or clogged blood vessels in the brain that cut off the blood flow to brain cells. About 13 percent of strokes occur when a blood vessel ruptures in or near the brain.

How can I control high blood pressure? Knowledge is power, so Learn and Live! African Flower Hexagon Crochet Tutorial. Chinese Rose. Chinese touch. Hurray 4. African Flowers Throw - Complete 4. African Flower blanket. African Flower Cushion. Friday - Finished Object! I know, I seem to be all about finished objects lately.

Friday - Finished Object!

However, for every one that is completed, there are 15 others sitting around in bags, awaiting my pleasure. Here's a baby blanket I finished last week, in time for a co-worker's baby shower on Friday. I followed Attic24's fabulous hexagon pattern, and used Hobby Lobby's I Love This Cotton. And I really do love that cotton - so soft (but not fuzzy) to the touch, and of a pleasantly heavy weight when all crocheted up. I keep waiting for it to go on sale, but for MONTHS now, no luck. Happily, the recipients of this blanket seemed to truly love it - I had chosen the colors for their particular taste, and as I said, it does feel rather luxurious to the touch. Slowly growing hex blanket. Untitled. Jess's wedding blanket. Valley Yarns 328 Amethyst Brook Crocheted Afghan in New Crochet Patterns at Webs. Joining tutorial.