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Glass crafting

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Painting on glass

Stained glass. Focus on Glassmaking. Glass Encyclopedia. Make Glowing Firefly Jars » Curbly | DIY Design Community « Keywords: firefly, summer, outdoor, Craft. My birthday is on June 17th, which, when you're a kid, is a pretty great day for a birthday. You never have to go to school, the activity options are endless, and your party can always include a squirt gun fight. Related Video: But, each year I also get another special, seasonal gift. Even now, among the good times with families and friends, I always see the first fireflies of the year on my birthday. It started with those outdoor parties and cookouts as a kid, and continued through the bonfires of high school, the theme parks of college, and now, a quiet evening walk with the people I love the most. Perhaps I don't notice them in the days before, but every year, it just happens: the lightning bugs come out.

So, as you can guess, I kinda love them, in that six-year-old kid sorta way. Unfortunately, they seem to be one of those internet phenomena where things get passed around, and no one seems to know the original source. "Flick glow-in-the-dark paint onto the inside of a mason jar. Glass Bubble Beads. Wine Bottle Cutting Jig.