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La Dolce Villa: DIY! Coffee Filter Roses. I love making something beautiful out of 'garbage' or something unexpected and/or mundane. This is how I live green... which in my mind makes me equal to all the 'green' celebrities out there that are driving Prius'. If you are wanting to make this project even more eco-friendly, you can use those tan colored recycled coffee filters. I wish I could say this was my reason for using them in this project along with the white ones, but it was more about the visual effect and less about my carbon footprint...I do drive a big SUV after all, so there is no sense in trying to fool anyone out there! Back to the flowers now... these are so incredibly versatile and look like those overpriced ones you see in stationary, home decor, and other types of cute little boutiques.

I got this amazing tutorial from an adorable Polish blog ( which is written in all Polish of course. Coffee Filter Roses: Process: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Enjoy the process and the outcome! Valentine's Day 8: Zipper Flowers. Today, one of my lovely co-teachers brought me a grocery bag FULL of zippers! Yes, zippers, and I have been pondering what to do with them. She sent me the idea of making them into flowers, so here is my go at it! I figured they fit into the Valentine's theme because they can be added to ANYTHING! You could make a bouquet of them, pin them on a sweater, a picture frame, a necklace, whatever you want! it goes! You need: Zipper (18in'' - 24'') Scissors Hot Glue Gun Felt Scraps Ruler FIrst, cut the bottom stop of the zipper and pull the zipper off. Now you should have two separate pieces of zipper. Measure how long your zipper is, and divide it by 6. It will be between 3-4, so cut one piece of the zipper into six smaller pieces at this size to make the large petals.

(My 24 inch zipper made six, 4 inch pieces) Now, take the other piece of zipper tape and cut it into 6 pieces one inch smaller than the other pieces. (6, 3 inch pieces) You will also have an extra 6 inch piece left over, Enjoy! Under a blue moon: 5.22.11. I saw a picture of a glittery pink flower and decided I needed to figure out how to make a one for myself. Here are the step by step (mostly) pictures and directions: (click on picture to see it in its full sized glory) Step 1: First take a length of crepe paper streamer (mine is about 24" long) and fan-fold into eight layers. Then cut out a double humped shape to make the petals (you will have eight of them).

Step 2: I took a small button and smeared a thin layer of glue on it and then plunked it into the glitter. I also got the base of my flower ready. Step 3: I found the best way to glitter the edges was to pour a little pile of white glue and a little pile of fine glitter onto a piece of card stock. Step 4: When the petal edges were dry I scrunched up the bottom and glued it to the outer edge of card stock circle. Step 5: Repeat with two more petals. Step 6: Step 7: Repeat with the last two petals. Step 8: Glue your glittered button to the center.

And there you have it. Curled Rosewood Wreath. I have seen various versions of Faux Rosewood Wreaths in just about every store and catalog for the upcoming season; most with a price tag running upwards of $40 or more. Some are crafted of paper and other of real wood shavings. Last year I made a few rolled flower gift toppers from recycled book pages and they remind me so much of the curled wood roses I thought they would make a good substitute. {with a much lower price tag} Materials Needed:Foam Wreath FormRecycled Book PagesLots of Hot GlueRibbon to Hang The full step by step tutorial I posted last year can be found {here}.Basically you layer three book pages together and draw a spiral circle. Starting with the outside of the spiral, roll the paper inward to create the flower shape. Give the wreath form a light coat of white {or light color} spray paint to help camouflage any see-through spaces. It seriously takes quite a few roses to fill the entire wreath, however I think the finished project has such a unique look.

{Simply Lovely} Home. Paper Roses. You know how it goes, a friend calls you and invites you to dinner at the last minute. OMG! What gift can you take?! You scrabble around the cupboards trying to find a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine but find that most of the chocolates have been eaten and the wine has gone. I thought this was a wonderful idea. You could make a few of these and keep them to one side for just such an occasion. Supplies: Patterned paper-one 12 x 12" sheet. These directions will give you one flower. 1. 4. 5. Tip: For single sided paper. 6. Note: Florist tape is stretchy, just play with it and pull gently but firmly as you move down the stem. 7. Note, you will have to play around with the height of the petals, and where on the petal you start your tape. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. For tutorials on how to market yourself online, go here.