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Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test. Overo Pembroke Welsh Corgis TJ and Jaime Bragg Buda, Texas  Overo Boys  Bred By Us  We are so proud of our Overo family...

Bred By Us 

Overo Her Royal Hotness “Pippa” Corgi Celebrations  The Annual Corgi Celebration Overo Corgis is the home of the Annual Corgi Celebration.

Corgi Celebrations 

Founded in 2002, the main goal of the Corgi Celebration is to bring the Corgi Fancy together to celebrate the breed and help raise money for Texas Corgi Rescue Programs. The Corgi Fancy comes from all over the United States to attend, although most participants are from Texas. In 2011, 388 people attended with their 193 Corgis! Events include a Rescue Parade, Herding Instinct Testing (sanctioned by PWCCA), AKC Performance demonstrations presented to the public to offer more information and participation in Agility, Herding, Obedience, Rally and Tracking.