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Copyleft Madness

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How to Licenses Art Work. Rock Star Artist or nOOb fresh out of art school and your art is wack, losing its viral flav’ because people don’t want any IP popos chasing them down while remixin it? Ok.. cool. Let me help you. Step 1: Make dope artStep 2: Pick a License for your new dope art and download your Liscense icons hereStep 3: Put your newly FAT Licen$ed art up on Twitter and Everywhere elseStep 4: Your art has total cred. “New Media Curators” will be impressed by your mad crazy art makin skillZ!!!!

FOR EXAMPLE: I’mma Let You Finish ok but here’s how it works– lets say you wantta make art that gets you mad cred, but not for big companies,. but say ShareAlike so everyone all over this small small world after all can be remixin’ it? But yeah, we know what’s coming, Possible Example Question from your lawyer: Dear Fat Lab, What’s the Fine Print? Because we know you bitches like to read, we got ALL of that up in here for you… [ Copyrap Attitude ] Preamble AKA Wrote us a Manual AKA Introducin’ It Definitions AKA da 411. US Navy buys Linux to guide drone fleet (The Register) Licence Complete Bullshit. [nettime-fr] Re: [copyleft sous copyright]

Desert_de_sel : #CopyleftMadness RT @frama... Supreme Court rules Congress can re-copyright public domain works. Congress may take books, musical compositions and other works out of the public domain, where they can be freely used and adapted, and grant them copyright status again, the Supreme Court ruled Wednesday. In a 6-2 ruling, the court ruled that just because material enters the public domain, it is not “territory that works may never exit.”

(PDF) The top court was ruling on a petition by a group of orchestra conductors, educators, performers, publishers and film archivists who urged the justices to reverse an appellate court that ruled against the group, which has relied on artistic works in the public domain for their livelihoods. They claimed that re-copyrighting public works would breach the speech rights of those who are now using those works without needing a license. There are millions of decades-old works at issue. Some of the well-known ones include H.G. The court, however, was sympathetic to the plaintiffs’ argument. Al Tab - The Kopimist Preacher. Konomark - a new way to be friendly with your intellectual property. Norvège: à qui appartient le manifeste d'Anders Behring Breivik?

Juste avant son attentat à la bombe, Anders Behring Breivik a posté (ou fait poster) «2083 – A European Declaration of Independence», un document manifeste de 1.500 pages, comprenant entre autres son journal de bord qui détaille par le menu le plan de préparation des attentats du 22 juillet sur Oslo et l’île d’Utoya. Depuis, ce pavé a été relayé, notamment dans un Google Doc accessible publiquement, et de nombreux sites ont fait des liens sur ce document ou l’ont reproduit. publicité À qui appartient ce manifeste, et peut-on le diffuser? Breivik a renoncé à ses droits… Peu importe le contexte, Anders Behring Breivik conserve ses droits d’auteur.

Il les conserve, mais a décidé de ne pas les faire valoir*: en plus de décrire par le menu la façon de construire des engins explosifs, de parler de ses amis et de raconter ses difficultés pour obtenir des armes dans l’Union européenne sans attirer l’attention, le tueur a également réfléchi aux aspects très pragmatiques de son ouvrage.

/| copyme /| Kopimi (copyme), symbol showing that you want to be copied. use kopimi in your own fancy. kopimi may be put on homepages or blogs, in books, in software, as sound logos in music or whatever. 1. copy one of these kopimi symbols, or make up your own 2. put it on a homepage 3. link the logotype to: ~~~~=:) - - (:=~~~~ Open source religion. Yoism symbol Open-source religions attempt to employ open-source methodologies in the creation of religious belief systems.[1] They develop their systems of beliefs through a continuous process of refinement and dialogue among the believers themselves.

In comparison to traditional religions – which are considered authoritarian, hierarchical, and change-resistant – they emphasize participation, self-determination, decentralization, and evolution. Followers see themselves as part of a more generalized open source movement, which does not limit itself to software, but applies the same principles to other organized, group efforts to create human artifacts.[1] Another early example, in 2001, Douglas Rushkoff organized the first Reboot summit that took place in 2002.[8] "The object of the game, for me, was to recontextualize Judaism as an entirely Open Source proposition. Another example is Open Source Religion, founded by Sidian M.S. References[edit] Further reading[edit] Evan (May 2008). La Suède dit non à la religion du "copier / coller" Au nom du peer, du file et du saint partage. Gloire à Dieu ! Ou, plutôt, gloire au partage de fichiers ! La Missionary Church of Kopimism a annoncé fièrement en début de semaine avoir été reconnue par l’état suédois.

Leur principe de foi est simple mais un peu particulier. Pour eux, comme l’expliquent les deux leaders Isak Gerson et Gustav Nipe , «l'information est sacrée et la copie est un sacrement. L'information possède une valeur en soi et en ce qu’elle contient et celle-ci se multiplie à travers l'acte de la copie. Par conséquent, la copie est un élément central pour l'organisation et ses membres» . Les avantages de cette nouvelle reconnaissance semblent être évidents: se protéger d’éventuelles poursuites à la limite mais surtout pouvoir justifier philosophiquement, à travers la liberté de culte, de la distribution de fichiers entre les membres de cette église.

Pour l’instant, on a pas encore observé des conversions de masse du côté de Stockholm, l’église revendiquant 1 000 membres. Lire les réactions à cet article. WTFPL - Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License.