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ReacTIVision. Vvvv - a multipurpose toolkit. BlobDetection library / v3ga. This library is aimed at doing computer vision by finding ‘blobs’ on an image , that is to say areas whose brightness is above or below a particular value. It allows to compute blobs’edges as well as blobs’bounding box. However, this library does not perform blob tracking, it only tries to find all blobs each frame it was fed with. It was primarly developped for Processing but can be used in any java programs. October 2012 I just updated the examples of the library to work with the latest version of Processing (2.0b3).

The examples still work with Processing 1.5.1 but you have to see the instructions in the code. Basically it's just commenting / uncommenting one line to make the sketch run. August 2011 Wow. September 2006 Publishing this new website. December 2005 Added computation of triangles for each blobs, allowing fast drawing of filled blobs. May 2005 Release as .jar, which can be included in Processing (BETA). June 2004 First release of an EdgeDection procedure.