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Dogs. TWO DOGS DINING. Biggest dog in the world: Meet George the 7ft long Great Dane... who's terrified of chihuahuas. By Dave Nasser Created: 23:16 GMT, 22 July 2011 The first time we saw George, our beloved Great Dane, he was no more than a tiny, cowering ball of fuzzy fur.

Biggest dog in the world: Meet George the 7ft long Great Dane... who's terrified of chihuahuas

As my wife Christie opened the door of the crate he’d travelled in, he teetered to a standing position and looked out at us, moving his head slowly from side to side, taking in the wonder of it all. Finally, as if weighing us up and deciding we were acceptable, he tentatively pushed his little nose forward and gave Christie her first lick. Man's biggest friend: Devoted owner Dave Nasser with George, the world's biggest dog Though it didn’t really register, George’s paws were comically large even then.

Puppy to Adult Dog in 40 seconds. How to Make a DIY Auto-filling Water Dish Machine for Dogs! Dogs Detect Cancer? Experts Say Compounds in Breath Can Signal Breast Cancer. <br/><a href=" US News</a> | <a href=" Business News</a> Copy Carol Witcher says she knows it sounds crazy, but she swears that her dog, Floyd Henry, discovered the cancer in her breast in 2008.

Dogs Detect Cancer? Experts Say Compounds in Breath Can Signal Breast Cancer

"When he sniffed me, he kind of turned back and really pushed into my right breast, real hard," she said.