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Curating the Revolution: Building a Real-Time News Feed About Egypt - Phoebe Connelly - Technology. Andy Carvin is a senior strategist at NPR working on digital media.

Curating the Revolution: Building a Real-Time News Feed About Egypt - Phoebe Connelly - Technology

He's known for putting together comprehensive and innovative packages around breaking news stories, and for the past three weeks, his Twitter stream has been a non-stop curation of the Egypt protests. Carvin has turned himself into "a personal news wire for Egypt. " We talked with him about how he gained 4,000 followers, why he hasn't mapped his sources, and if curation is the new journalism. PC: This is not your first dive into deep social media coverage of a breaking event. How do you get up to speed on key local resources so fast? AC: I've live-tweeted and live-blogged for a long time: 7-8 years as far as live-blogging is concerned, and four years for Twitter, especially during the '08 presidential election. So some of the people I've followed on Twitter in Tunisia and Egypt, I've followed them for several years already. PC: How are you picking people to retweet and follow? PC: Have you built yourself any maps?

PC: Hrm. Maria Popova: In a new world of informational abundance, content curation is a new kind of authorship. Editor’s Note: Maria Popova is the editor of Brain Pickings, a curation of “cross-disciplinary interestingness” that scours the world of the web and beyond for share-worthy tidbits.

Maria Popova: In a new world of informational abundance, content curation is a new kind of authorship

Here, she considers how new approaches to curation are changing the way we consume and share information. Last week, Megan Garber wrote an excellent piece on whether Twitter is speech or text. Yet despite a number of insightful and timely points, I’d argue there is a fundamental flaw with the very dichotomy of the question. While Twitter can certainly be both, it’s inherently neither. And trying to classify it within one or both of these conventional checkboxes completely misses the point that we might, in fact, have to invent an entirely new checkbox. I, of course, make no claim to using Twitter as it “should” be used. Twitter as discovery Like any appropriated buzzword, the term “curation” has become nearly vacant of meaning.

And lest we forget, text itself is an invention, a technology. How Reuters Curates UGC via Twitter Video. 10 Use Cases for Content Curation in Mktg. Content curation offers the promise of addressing both information consumers’ and marketers’ challenges in taming the flood of digital information.

10 Use Cases for Content Curation in Mktg

But as I look at the vendor landscape it is apples and oranges. Vendors are solving several different problems. Here is my take on the twelve ways that content curation is used in marketing. Demonstrate thought leadership. Here marketers use curation to become the “go to” site for information on an issue important to their customers. Nurture leads. Cultivate a community. Keep current on critical issues. Gather competitor intelligence. Monitor brand activity. Support mission. Reduce costs. Manage social media participation. Capture and repurpose social media mentions. Build advertising or sponsorship revenue.

Different use cases drive many of the variations in functionality of content curation platforms. Like this: Like Loading...