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Bizarre & Stylish Steampunk Creations. The Definitive Guide To Steampunk Gadgets | Gizmotron - Tech, Gadgets and Gizmos. Personally I think if you don’t love Steampunk then you have no soul, but then you would probably expect that from someone with a love of gadgets and a degree in history! For the uninitiated, what is steampunk? Steampunks origins lie in the 1980’s and is the fantasy marriage of modern day technology and Victorian steam power, an era of mahogany and brass that somehow also transcends the microchip and LCD display - think atomic powered steam trains and analogue computers. In 2003, the film, The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen helped to bring the genre into mainstream culture, and the chances are, even if you’ve never heard of Steampunk, you will have seen it.

Where a lover of gadgets becomes really fascinated by Steampunk is in the fantastic mods created by people with far too much time on their hands. Some of my personal favourites include……… Steampunk Goggles are a favourite of Steampunk lovers, it must be all that standing around in airships and steamtrains that does it. Fantasy Magazine » Top 10 Steampunk Gadgets. Cultural movements that inspire devotion and fanishness are often not given enough credit for the inventiveness they arouse.

Steampunk is especially rife with masterpieces of fashion, art, craft, and technology. Every time you think you’ve seen the coolest, most out there steampunk creation another comes along. Of the specimens we’ve come across, these are our ten favorites. 10. Time Lord Steampunk Goggles Coming in all shapes and sizes, servicing mad-scientists and cyberpunks alike, goggles are a fashion accessory that may not be unique to Steampunk, but how could you fly your airship without them?

9. Somewhat similar to its optically-focused brethren in that it isn’t a Steampunk specific trend, gasmasks are still a common element for the genre, particularly in stories that lean to the side of dystopia. 8. Why rely on fickle oil and flame any longer? 7. Any proper gentleman or lady knows that they’d be best be back from adventuring in time for tea. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Tagged as: art. Giant Blob Tumbleweeds. LinkScroll down for today's pictures & links. Giant Blob Tumbleweeds Hwy 101 traffic south of Salinas, California, is attacked by the ignoble blobs of tangled matter, throwing themselves at cars but seemingly uninterested in humans: url More playful version of interacting with these creatures can be watched here. Today's pictures & links: Suddenly Abandoned 1900s New York This thread on ConceptArt discusses a veritable masterpiece of surreal, moody environment by Alex Broeckel - make sure to click on the image to see every detail in high-res version! (art by Alex Broeckel) The rest of his online portfolio is just as mesmerizing... Steampunk Goodness Outland Armor, also known as "The Outlanders", present steampunk gear, and also portray characters...namely the crew of the airship HMS Amaranth. Here is the "Buckler of Swashes" scene, for example: The Dissonance Wave Sonification Rifle, via Here is your chance to own a pair of clockwork angel wings: The Weirdest Farm Tools You Ever Seen (images via) ...

Jud Turner - Sculpture Gallery - Officer - 1996. Sreampunk pictures gallery. Steampunk Star Wars from Gorilla Artfare | dashPunk. The Art of Matt Dixon - Stephane Halleux’s Curious Creations | paintalicious. Cute sculptures made from kitchenwares. These cute and amazing sculptures appears to be made from discarded kitchenwares such as kettle, cups, spoons, etc.

Would love to get hold of one of these! More pictures after the jump. Images: Tom.comTags: Kitchenware | Art | Sculpture Labels: Art, Cute. <> Very cool metal sculptures by Pierre Matter. Brian Dettmer: Book Autopsies // Centripetal Notion. Brian Dettmer carves into books revealing the artwork inside, creating complex layered three-dimensional sculptures. Update: see Brian’s response in the comments. LINK/IMAGES [@ Haydeé Rovirosa Gallery] (via Future Feeder Josh Spear)LINK/IMAGES [@ Toomey Tourell Gallery] (via Josh Spear)LINK/IMAGES [@ Aron Packer Gallery] (via Josh Spear) Update: If you like Brian’s work, please consider digging this post. lagte achhe mp3seal accursed mp31964 mp3 dostimonkeys mp3 acrticmp3 prone accidentmp3 fillmore actraiserachi mp3 mefaridzemp3 tom accused Map. » Stanley Lau aka Artgerm Amazing Painting: part 1 | The Funny Web. Mike Libby - Insect Lab - Butterflies. Tom Sepe's Steampunk Motorbike.

An Interview By Meredith Scheff Wandering through the industrial neighborhood of West Oakland, You'll find more than a few warehouse art studios, each one filled to the brim with all manner of projects; from giant robots to huge metal art - and of course steam machines. A few days ago, I was fortunate enough to be invited into the studio of one of the artists that reside there; a fine chap by the name of Tom Sepe. After sending out a call for willing subjects (aka, interview-ees), Tom contacted me and, with but a few words, lured me into his studio. Those words were simply: "Want to come see my electric-steam hybrid motorcycle? ". What self-respecting grease monkey could possibly refuse?

SteampunkWorkshop: Whoa! Tom Sepe: The frame is 1967 Tote-Gote, so it was one of the first off road motorcycles. TS: I had a small motor lying around my warehouse, and I tossed that in. TS: But I had to stretch the frame to fit the batteries and still have room for my backpack. About the Author: