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Nickparamedic. Iraq Body Count. Projection en 3D sur des bâtiments. Wake Initiated Lucid Dream - LucidWiki. Waking Induction of Lucid Dreams, or Wake Induced Lucid Dreams (often abbreviated to WILD), refers to several techniques used to induce lucid dreams. These techniques are unique in that they involve entering the dream state directly from waking consciousness while still maintaining consciousness (other techniques simply increase the frequency of becoming lucid in a dream).

Because one does not have to recognize a cue in order to induce a lucid dream using these techniques, they tend to be more reliable than other techniques. However, they can be difficult to master as the consciousness is not used to experiencing the transition from waking to REM sleep and is often frightened by the transition experiences. The technique itself consists of some steps, so that you can stay conscious until you do actually enter your dream. Staying conscious is perhaps the hardest part of the technique: staying conscious is harder to do when in sleep state. How-to Edit Waking Initiated techniques See also. 30 Days, 30 Ways to Build Better Self Confidence. » you’re already perfect. ‘Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.’ ~Lao Tzu Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on twitter . A lot of people come to Zen Habits (and read other personal development blogs and books) because they want to improve something about themselves.

They’re not satisfied with their lives, they’re unhappy with their bodies, they want to be better people. I know, because I was one of those people. This desire to improve myself and my life was one of the things that led to Zen Habits. A powerful realization that has helped me is simply this: You’re already good enough, you already have more than enough, and you’re already perfect. Try saying that to yourself, as corny as that might sound, just to see if it sounds true. Consider what changes: OK, the last bit was a joke, but the rest is true, in my experience. Do you have eyes that see? This is a miracle, and we take it for granted.