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BBC Horizon 2014-2015 Episode 4: Inside the Dark Web. Police Disabling Their Own Voice Recorders. This is not a surprise: The Los Angeles Police Commission is investigating how half of the recording antennas in the Southeast Division went missing, seemingly as a way to evade new self-monitoring procedures that the Los Angeles Police Department imposed last year. The antennas, which are mounted onto individual patrol cars, receive recorded audio captured from an officer’s belt-worn transmitter. The transmitter is designed to capture an officer’s voice and transmit the recording to the car itself for storage. The voice recorders are part of a video camera system that is mounted in a front-facing camera on the patrol car.

Surveillance of power is one of the most important ways to ensure that power does not abuse its status. Tags: cameras, law enforcement, police, power, privacy, surveillance. Visualization of Tweets as Sun Rises over North and South Americans [Source in Comments] : dataisbeautiful. Cloud Computing.