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OpenSource Software

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Best of open source in software development. The wealth of open source software development goodies is heaven for the developer community, but it's hell on an awards committee.

Best of open source in software development

Considering IDEs, debuggers, defect trackers, code coverage tools, unit testers, load testers, and so on, we could have come up with more awards here than the rest of the Bossies combined. Then there were paths that could only lead to trouble. Could we really choose a best language? Or a best development platform? Could we pick Python over Perl, or Rails over Mono? [See Bossie winner slideshows: Applications | Networking | Platforms and Middleware | Security | Software development | Storage ] Well, actually, no (see the sidebar, "Best open source programming language"). In the open source IDE sector, the Eclipse-NetBeans rivalry was won long ago by Eclipse if all you count is market share.

Best of Open Source Software Awards 2008. If the phrase "open source software" continues to conjure images of impassioned programmers selflessly collaborating for the common good, it may be because, even as commercial interests are behind many of the most prominent projects, the results are no less inspired – and typically no less free.

Best of Open Source Software Awards 2008

Yes, advanced functionality or maintenance and support may require writing a check, but freeloaders looking for high-quality software – of almost any kind – have never had it so good. Chosen by InfoWorld Test Center editors, analysts, and reviewers, InfoWorld’s annual Best of Open Source Software awards (or Bossies, for short) celebrate the best products that open source has to offer: the best free software on the planet for businesses, their IT staffs, and their employees’ workstations. [ See Bossie winner slideshows: Collaboration | Developer tools | Enterprise applications | Networking | Platforms and middleware | Productivity applications | Security | Storage ] Some of our picks were easy.

Best of Open Source Software Awards 2009. If you think you can easily whittle down the best open source software to a manageable number, you'll soon discover that you can't do it without a great deal of hair pulling, nail biting, and gnashing of teeth.

Best of Open Source Software Awards 2009

There are just too many excellent tools. Even if you give up on a "manageable" number and go whole hog -- say, a top 100, which is certainly doable -- you'll still face too many hard decisions and too many arguments. You'll be looking for a way out. To bring you this year's 40 top open source products -- our 2009 Bossie winners -- we pulled a couple of fast ones. Our first inspired dodge was to come up with the InfoWorld Open Source Hall of Fame. Free Software / Open Source: Information Society Opportunities for Europe? Open source software is becoming the most interesting `new' phenomenon of the entire information technology landscape, generating a level of interest similar to that of the first moments of the Internet.

Free Software / Open Source: Information Society Opportunities for Europe?

However, as we will show in this document, the open source software phenomenon is not historically new, although in recent years it has reached a critical mass, which has allowed it to enter the mainstream software market. The impact of open source technology is expected to be quite noticeable in the software industry, and in society as a whole. It allows for novel development models, which have already been demonstrated to be especially well suited to efficiently take advantage of the work of developers spread across all corners of the planet. Open Source Topic Center. Open Source ERP for Mac, Linux and Windows. Accounting, CRM and ERP PostBooks is a full-featured, fully-integrated business management system, the core of the award winning xTuple ERP Suite.

Open Source ERP for Mac, Linux and Windows

Built to run in the cloud or on a local server, it provides the ultimate in power and flexibility for a range of businesses and industries of any size. Please contact us for more product information or to schedule a guided demonstration. And yes, we publish our pricing. xTuple PostBooks includes the following: Like all xTuple products, it runs equally well on Windows, Linux, Mac and mobile – and is fully internationalized (multi-currency, support for multiple tax structures and multilingual translation packs maintained by our global community). How to get started Getting Started with PostBooks explains how to download the desktop client software and, particularly, the difference between connecting to an xTuple server in the cloud and setting up your own local xTuple server.