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KeePass Password Safe: Help with Remote Desktop Conection on XP - (HTTPS) Large MySQL Imports | Tiger Technologies Support - (HTTP) When you’re adding large amounts of data to MySQL — more than a thousand rows at once — it’s important to do it efficiently. In particular: Disable MySQL indexes You should turn off index updates until the import is done. If you disable index updates, MySQL can import many rows with a single disk write; if you don’t, MySQL will do many separate disk writes for each row. Disabling indexes makes the import go many, many times faster. It also minimizes the impact on other customers using the server. If you don’t disable indexes during a large import, it will probably cause server load problems, and we’ll probably stop the import. (Note that if you restore a database file created with phpMyAdmin or mysqldump, the file will already contain commands to disable the indexes, so you don’t need to worry about it separately.)

To disable MySQL indexes, make sure your file contains these commands before the import starts (replacing "table_name" with the real name of your table): Tips for MyISAM tables.

System Administration

Graphics. Geek to Live: Choose (and remember) great passwords. Super User. Server Fault. Computer Programming. Teamwork in Genetic Programming. Teamwork In Genetic Programming Click the image to run the Ant Genetic Program. I have developed a Genetic Program that will evolve programs that will emulate the food collection behavior of ants. The teamwork aspect of this program comes into play when the ants must work together to solve a problem.

The ant programs are written in a special language developed for this application. The language consists of ant actions such as: MoveForward, PickUpFood... This genetic program consists of an an intepreter to execute the special ant language, the Genetic Program evolver that will create the ant programs, and a simulator that lets you view the ants in action as they collect food. Background Background - What this Project is all about. Input Data Parameters - Variables to control the execution of the Genetic Program. Testing Solutions - Hand written solutions of possible solutions to different problems. Download. - Portable software for USB drives.


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