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Cloud Computing

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DEI, Dépendance Energie Informatique : un nouvel enjeu mondial ? L’avenir de l’informatique professionnelle est “on the cloud” avec des applications de plus en plus SaaS, Software as a Service” ; les lecteurs de mon blog savent que je suis persuadé que ce double mouvement est irréversible.

DEI, Dépendance Energie Informatique : un nouvel enjeu mondial ?

Être convaincu qu’une évolution est positive ne signifie pas pour autant avoir une vision manichéenne du monde et nier qu’il puisse toujours exister des éléments négatifs, dans toute évolution. Je me suis alors posé la question : “Serons-nous aussi, demain, dépendant pour notre “énergie informatique” ? Les différentes formes d’”Energie Informatique”. Nicolas Carr, dans son dernier livre, “The big switch”, explique que les entreprises vont progressivement abandonner leur production d’énergie informatique et l’acheter à des fournisseurs spécialisés qui ont pour nom Amazon, eBay, Google, Microsoft ou Yahoo. Comme dans le cas du pétrole, ces achats pourront prendre plusieurs formes : - “On the cloud computing”, avec achat d’énergie de base, de calcul ou de stockage.


A Cloud for Everyone. The trajectory of many high-tech products looks like this: Very expensive.

A Cloud for Everyone

Only a few exist in the world. They are heavily time-shared, and usually oversubscribed.Within the reach of institutions and corporations, but not individuals. The organization wants to maximize utilization.Corporations own many, as productivity enhancers, some wealthy or forward-looking individuals own one. Families time share theirs.Virtually everyone has one. Depending on your age, you might have been thinking "cell phones", "computers", or even "televisions". I feel very comfortable putting "cloud computing" in that list, too. One day, I suspect that we'll each have our own computing cloud attending us, formed out of the many computing devices that surround us every day, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Before that, we'll see enterprises, first large then medium and small, building their own computing clouds.

"Wait a minute," you object. That's true, today. This next part may sound like FUD. Accidents happen. Patterns for Cloud Computing. Software Testing in the Multicore Cloud Computing Era With Replay Solutions. Posted by Bob Warfield on February 11, 2008 I had the opportunity to visit Jonathan Lindo, CEO and co-founder of Replay Solutions last week and I came away impressed.

Software Testing in the Multicore Cloud Computing Era With Replay Solutions

This Hummer Winblad and Partech backed startup has some fascinating new technology to help with software testing and debugging. I like to think of their software as a time machine for complex software. With it, you can go back and recreate the circumstances that led to a bug, and thereby figure out what has happened. Their software works by turning your J2EE application into a black box, and monitoring everything that comes and goes into or out of the box. It works this magic by tapping into and instrumenting the Java code. Replay Solutions to the rescue. Sounds cool, but why is this software an essential tool for the Multicore Cloud Computing Era?

I talked over with Jonathan what I thought was a really cool scenario. Like this: Like Loading...