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How do you turn your site conversion killers into winners? Conversion killers can steal revenue from under your feet without you even realising it.

How do you turn your site conversion killers into winners?

This article discusses the common issues that affect web conversions. What are those conversion killers and how can you twist them to your advantage? Poor persuasion. Shopping Cart Page Checklist: 16 Things I Look For. Last week in Checkout Optimization: Are You Testing The Wrong Thing?

Shopping Cart Page Checklist: 16 Things I Look For

, we looked at the top reasons customers report why they abandoned their last shopping cart. You’ll recall the top reasons had nothing to do with web usability and design, but the customer’s willingness to complete the purchase at that given time – including “sticker shock,” a desire to comparison shop, or they simply were not ready to purchase yet. We discussed ways each FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) could be addressed on your shopping cart page, with a promise to cover the design and usability goodies as a follow up (i.e. this post!) While there’s no recipe for an “ideal” shopping cart page, there are elements I look for when reviewing a site – both “must haves” and “nice-to-haves.” Must Have Shopping Cart Page Features. 10 conseils pour optimiser sa transfo.