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Water purification

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WaterPod Filter Commander 9000. Waterpod Engr215 Student Projects WindPod Turbine - Pico in a Bucket - Rocket Stove - Coopatron 5000 - FBD Rainwater Purification - Bicycle Energy Generator - Hang Thyme - Tour de Volts - Filter Commander 9000 - Soil-less Growing System - Composting Toilet - [edit] Abstract This page is about the Filter Commander 9000, a project made by The Pod People, a student team from an Engr215 class at Humboldt State University.

WaterPod Filter Commander 9000

The project started as a request for a water filtration system for the WaterPod project, and went through a five-stage design process before ending up as the Filter Commander 9000. This page is designed to show its progression from design to construction to use, and to present information for those who may want to replicate the system. [edit] Background A rendered concept shot of the WaterPod barge.

[edit] Project Statement and Criteria. SODIS METHOD. Water can be disinfected and in this way made drinkable using the rays of the sun.


"Solar water disinfection" - SODIS for short - thus offers a solution for preventing diarrhoea, one of the most common causes of death among people in developing countries. Clean drinking water in 6 hours The SODIS method is ideal for treating water for drinking in developing countries. All it requires is sunlight and PET bottles. How does it work? People can use the SODIS method to treat their drinking water themselves. Research Many scientific studies confirmed the effectiveness of the SODIS method. International recognition The World Health Organisation (WHO), UNICEF, and the Red Cross therefore recommend the SODIS method as a way to treat drinking water in developing countries.

“Solar disinfection is an example of another measure with proven health impact that requires little capital investment on the part of end-users, and is thus appropriate for the very poor.” Comment filtrer et purifier de l'eau en pleine nature. Filtrer son eau. La puce à dessaler. Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism July 2, 2013 Chemists with the University of Texas and the University of Marburg have devised a method of using a small electrical field that will remove the salt from seawater.

La puce à dessaler

Incredibly this technique requires little more than a store-bought battery. Called electrochemically mediated seawater desalination (EMSD) this technique has improved upon the current water desalination method. Richard Cooks, chemistry professor at the University of Austin said : “The availability of water for drinking and crop irrigation is one of the most basic requirements for maintaining and improving human health.” Cooks continued: “Seawater desalination is one way to address this need, but most current methods for desalinating water rely on expensive and easily contaminated membranes. Kyle Krust, lead author of the study said: “We’ve made comparable performance improvements while developing other applications based on the formation of an ion depletion zone. H2O Refining. Home. Dessalinisateur. Une réflexion au sujet de l'eau potable (je ne dois pas être le premier à l'avoir eu Pour ceux d'entre nous qui vivons assez près de la mer, pourquoi ne pas prévoir un dessalinisateur (comme ceux qui doivent se trouver dans les radeaux de survie) ?


Le prix est un obstacle important :shock: , mais à part ça..... Desalination. Desalination, desalinization, and desalinisation refer to any of several processes that remove some amount of salt and other minerals from saline water.


More generally, desalination may also refer to the removal of salts and minerals,[1] as in soil desalination, which also happens to be a major issue for agricultural production.[2] Quelques précisions sur le dessalement de l’eau de mer. Le monde actuel fait face à une crise de l’eau majeure que les experts attribuent au réchauffement climatique qui entraîne un accroissement des phénomênes climatiques extrèmes : sécheresses ou inondations,n à l’augmentation de la consommation d’eau du à la croissance démographique et à l’accroissement des usages.

Quelques précisions sur le dessalement de l’eau de mer

Le paradoxe est que certaines populations souffrent de pénuries d’eau alors que 71% de la surface du globe en est recouvert. How to distill water or a liquid. Distillateur solaire. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Distillateur solaire

Un distillateur solaire est une technique passive, nécessitant des moyens limités pour distiller de l’eau salée, saumâtre ou souillée (par ex. contenue dans le sol ou provenant d’un cours d’eau) grâce à la chaleur du Soleil. Ce procédé élimine les impuretés telles que le sel, les métaux lourds et les micro-organismes. Le distillateur solaire ne doit pas être confondu avec la cheminée solaire pour laquelle l'énergie solaire sert à chauffer de l'air faisant tourner des turbines afin de produire de l'électricité. Différents types[modifier | modifier le code] Les trois types de distillateurs solaires sont le puits, la boîte et sa variante, la pyramide. Distillation par four solaire.

Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Distillation par four solaire

Water Solar Stills: Clean Drinking Water. In a situation of survival the Solar Still ( AKA Vapor Still ) can provide a short to medium term source of fresh drinking water from seawater, rivers and ponds.

Water Solar Stills: Clean Drinking Water

This important and neccessary piece of survival equipment has been used by the military and yachtsmen for many years. Solar radiation is used to distill and collect the drinking water; essential for daily survival both at sea and in deserts. It is lightweight, compact and easy to use with an output of between 500 and 2000cc per day depending upon climatic conditions. The Solar Water Still - Solar Water Still. Waterpyramid. Usage The WaterPyramid is used in tropical remote regions to desalinate saline water and to harvest rainwater. The technology is best used were abundant radiation of the sun and free ground space is available. Target groups Remote rural villages in desert areas, tropical regions and island ridges lacking sufficient fresh drinking water. Mostly Developing Countries. Production. Stephan Augustin. Multiple-effect distillation. Multiple-effect distillation (MED) is a distillation process often used for sea water desalination.

Multiple-effect distillation

It consists of multiple stages or "effects". In each stage the feed water is heated by steam in tubes. Some of the water evaporates, and this steam flows into the tubes of the next stage, heating and evaporating more water. Each stage essentially reuses the energy from the previous stage. The tubes can be submerged in the feed water, but more typically the feed water is sprayed on the top of a bank of horizontal tubes, and then drips from tube to tube until it is collected at the bottom of the stage. Operating principles[edit] Schematic of a multiple effect desalination plant. The plant can be seen as a sequence of closed spaces separated by tube walls, with a heat source in one end and a heat sink in the other end. Dessalement.