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GroupMe | Group text messaging with GroupMe. What is a Pearltree team. How to Build a Kick Ass Confluence Wiki Page in 10 minutes - Atlassian Summit 2011. Timeline template. Collaboration. Virtual collaboration. Effective collaboration with wikis. Chris, the Digital Pioneer, asked in the comments (and on his – I assume Chris is a he! – own blog) for some advice how how wikis can be used to throw some rough notes up and invite people to collaborate and share knowledge and experience to develop them into more coherent documents. Much of this stuff is standard across any kind of online community, and I don’t claim to be very original in any of this.

However, for what it’s worth, here are my thoughts: 1. There’s no way you will pinpoint every person who might be interested in what you are collaborating on. Reach out to these guys and let them know what you are planning to do. Also find out at this stage roughly what level of tech-savvyness there is among this initial gang. 2. Bearing in mind what you found out in step 1, decide at this stage what wiki system you want to use. Other hosted options include pbWiki, Stikipad (see comments), Wetpaint and Wikia. 3. Don’t forget your users when adding content to the pages. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ob02. Superb collaborating platform. Official Collaboration Tutorial by Chris Connick on Prezi.