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What is a Concatenative Language. Lingua::Romana::Perligata -- Perl for the XXIimum Century. Damian Conway School of Computer Science and Software Engineering Monash University Clayton 3168, Australia u/~damian This paper describes a Perl module -- Lingua::Romana::Perligata -- that makes it possible to write Perl programs in Latin. A plausible rationale for wanting to do such a thing is provided, along with a comprehensive overview of the syntax and semantics of Latinized Perl. The paper also explains the special source filtering and parsing techniques required to efficiently interpret a programming language in which the syntax is (largely) non-positional. Compared to other languages (both modern and ancient), English has a comparatively weak lexical structure. Much of the grammatical load of an English sentence is carried by positional cues.

Most programming languages use similar positional grammatical cues. This flexibility is possible because Latin uses inflexion, not position, to denote lexical roles. Or Variables. Node.js. Racket Documentation.

Theory and Compiling

Functional. C/C++ Forth family. Rust Language Tutorial. Rust is a programming language with a focus on type safety, memory safety, concurrency and performance. It is intended for writing large-scale, high-performance software that is free from several classes of common errors. Rust has a sophisticated memory model that encourages efficient data structures and safe concurrency patterns, forbidding invalid memory accesses that would otherwise cause segmentation faults. It is statically typed and compiled ahead of time. As a multi-paradigm language, Rust supports writing code in procedural, functional and object-oriented styles. Some of its pleasant high-level features include: Type inference. Scope This is an introductory tutorial for the Rust programming language.

This tutorial assumes that the reader is already familiar with one or more more languages in the C family. Conventions Throughout the tutorial, language keywords and identifiers defined in example code are displayed in code font . Warning: Rust is a language under ongoing development. The Falcon programming language.