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Opsolutely. Let's Automate Your Business | Automic Software. Continuous Delivery from Electric Cloud. Cloud Application Lifecycle Management and Automation. BuildMaster Pricing and Licensing. Free Express Edition Enterprise Edition How to Buy To order online with a credit card, go through MyInedo. For other methods of payment, such as a check or wire transfer, use the quote request form. Licensing BuildMaster is licensed annually per the BuildMaster End-User Licensing Agreement. Perpetual Option BuildMaster may also be licensed on a perpetual, non-expiring basis. The perpetual licensing fees are: 10 Users ($4,995); 20 Users ($7,495); 35 Users ($12,495); 50 Users ($16,245); 100 Users ($24,995); 250 Users ($49,995).

Users in BuildMaster BuildMaster is designed to be used by used by the entire development organization: developers, testers, operations, management, etc. Any number of users may be given access to BuildMaster, and are automatically assigned an available user license the first time they log in. Enterprise Support BuildMaster licenses included unlimited access to our support engineers. Focus on what is important, automate everything else - easily create powerful integrations - Flow XO - Build Automated Sales & Marketing Workflows. Optimize your Business Processes | Azuqua. AnsibleWorks. Opscode. Puppet Labs.