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Red Hat Cloud Computing

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Many Clouds. One API. No Problem. BoxGrinder REST. The World's Open Source Leader. LEARN. NETWORK. EXPERIENCE OPEN SOURCE. VMware. VMware, Inc. is a US software company that provides cloud and virtualization software and services,[2][3][4] and claims to be the first to commercially successfully virtualize the x86 architecture.[5] Founded in 1998, VMware is based in Palo Alto, California.


In 2004 it was acquired by and became a subsidiary of EMC Corporation, then on August 14, 2007, EMC sold 15% of the company in a New York Stock Exchange IPO. The company trades under the symbol VMW.[6] History[edit] In 1998, VMware was founded by Diane Greene, Mendel Rosenblum, Scott Devine, Edward Wang and Edouard Bugnion. Greene and Rosenblum, who are married, first met while at the University of California, Berkeley.[8] Edouard Bugnion remained the chief architect and CTO of VMware until 2005,[9] and went on to found Nuova Systems (now part of Cisco). Consulting - Open source consulting from the open source technol.

We collaborate with you to: In today's quick-paced, ever-evolving business world, building innovative IT solutions alone is challenging.

Consulting - Open source consulting from the open source technol

Especially with time and money at stake. Let Red Hat® Consulting help you successfully adopt open source solutions to simplify IT with less risk. The World's Open Source Leader. Red Hat Hosts The Open Source Cloud Computing Forum. Interest in cloud computing has been growing rapidly over the past year, with many enterprises looking to deploy cloud solutions that will enable them to reduce costs and increase their operational flexibility.

Red Hat Hosts The Open Source Cloud Computing Forum

For many enterprises, cloud computing is becoming a reality in their IT infrastructures today. The technologies used by today's cloud environments, public and private, have been heavily based on open source software, which offers: Robust application frameworks Rapid development Standards support Vendor neutrality Avoidance of vendor lock-in To advance the development of open source cloud computing Red Hat is pleased to present its second online Open Source Cloud Computing Forum on February 10, 2010, hosted by Red Hat CTO Brian Stevens. The Forum goals. Red Hat, Inc. - Events & Presentations. Download Book Ppt On Ubuntu Vs. Redhat PowerPoint Presentation : IGT2009 - The World Summit of Cloud Computing - Dec. 2-3, 2009, Amazon Web Services (AWS)