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Share photos and videos on Twitter. Batman Says ‘Raise My Taxes’ as Occupy Movement Comes to Comics. Bruce Wayne just wants to pay his fair share for the good of the people.Image courtesy Anjin Anhut The Occupy Wall Street movement has come to comics.

Batman Says ‘Raise My Taxes’ as Occupy Movement Comes to Comics

One of the first salvos is from Berlin-based artist Anjin Anhut, whose Occupy Gotham (above) illustrates Batman’s sympathy for people sick of being sold out to jet-setting market sharks. ‘What would Batman do?’ It’s a worthy question to ask the comics industry and fandom alike, especially as DC Comics’ underwhelming reboot campaign, dubbed “The New 52,” has returned Batman to familiar territory fighting gangsters and monsters from his past. While Scott Snyder’s serviceable new iteration of Batman throws in a few scenes of Bruce Wayne promising to battle rapacious capitalism, they come during tony dinner parties for the rich that take place far from the mean streets where the little people live and die.

“It’s a great conversation to be having,” he said. Perhaps, but times seemingly have changed. OWS may appear in Dark Knight Rises. But what do they want? Wall Street Occupied - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/06. OccupyAlles. "We are the 99 percent!" RAP NEWS 9 - The Economy ^_^ (with Ron Paul & Peter Joseph) RAP NEWS 7: #Revolution spreads to America (with John Pilger, Asmaa Mahfouz & Glenn Beck) Stephen Colbert Fails to See Point of 'Occupy Wall Street' Protest. Also, the Fawkes masks are cliché and passé at the same time.

Stephen Colbert Fails to See Point of 'Occupy Wall Street' Protest

Cliché being the bigger offense. After V for Vendetta there's never been a "right" time for those masks, and nor will there ever be, again. Yeah, it just kills me that there are alleged "anti-capitalists" who get their primary stylistic and ideological motivation from a market-tested Hollywood action blockbuster that was signed off on by some studio head specifically because it was likely to be a successful—which is to say, ultimately harmless—simulation of subversive expression. For me, it's not even that it's cliché. I remember when I first saw Anonymous using the V mask as their symbol, it immediately struck me as embarrassing. And this, of course, is how you get them pulling laudable Robin Hood-type shit on one side, and then, like, tossing out the private online info of innocent bystanders after they raid corporate servers on the other. The commercial. The New Yorker Mocks The 1% With Its Occupy Wall Street Cover.

#NLRevolutie. Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne 2011. Anti Occupy. Anti Occupy (@Anti_Occupy) sur Twitter. AmeriFam - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 09/28. Democracy on the Lurch - Wall Street Pepper Spray Incident - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 09/29. Het Jon Stewart-effect: Amerikaanse hofnar bepaalt het politieke debat - Nieuws. Door: Anna van den Breemer − 07/10/12, 14:09.

Het Jon Stewart-effect: Amerikaanse hofnar bepaalt het politieke debat - Nieuws

The Daily Show and American Politics. Rare jongens die Amerikanen.

The Daily Show and American Politics

Ze laten zich in hun stemgedrag niet leiden door een serieuze analyticus of journalist, maar door Jon Stewart, comedian en anchorman van The Daily Show. Elk dag geeft Stewart in zijn satirische praatprogramma zijn hilarische blik op de politiek en de komende verkiezingen. Kijkers van The Daily Show hebben meer kennis van politiek dan kijkers van serieuze nieuwsprogramma's. Parks and Demonstration - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/05. American Occupy - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/17. The 99% - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 10/18. Occupy Wall Street Interview with "Fake Fox News Guy" Chris Cobb. Occupy Wall Street Divided - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 11/16.

OCCUPY WALL STREET vs THE EMPIRE. South Park Studios: 1% (Season 15, Episode 12) 'South Park' Occupies Wall Street. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is the stud you love to hate—at least onscreen. As Jaime Lannister, the rakish, incestuous “Kingslayer” on Game of Thrones, he’s an object of attraction (devilishly handsome) and derision (he loves his sister). On Sunday night’s episode, the pendulum swung towards the latter when he sexually assaulted his sister, Cersei, beside the altar of their dead love child, Joffrey. He’s not much better in The Other Woman. In Nick Cassavetes’s comedy, the Danish actor plays Alex King, a suave, Maserati-driving, bespoke suit-wearing angel investor who cheats on his adoring wife, Kate (Leslie Mann), with two other beauties—a career-minded lawyer, Carly (Cameron Diaz), and a young hottie, Amber (Kate Upton).

When Kate uncovers the charade, the three ladies band together to take down the scumbag. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Coster-Waldau discussed his comedy chops, Jaime Lannister’s dark turn, and much more. "It’s completely fucked up. Yeah. Sure. Yeah. Yes, and no. South Park "1 Percent" Episode: Occupying The Restrooms. 651_65528_do-ho-suh.jpg (JPEG Image, 599x480 pixels) 99 Percent Mocked by Wharton Business Students.

Making a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow. Wall Street Under Siege - The Colbert Report - 2011-21-09. Occupy Wall Street Spreads - The Colbert Report - 2011-17-10. Colbert Report "Corporations Are People" 2011-24-10. Colbert Report 27oct2011 Shockupy Wall Street Fad. Post Covers #OccupyOakland With a Picture of a Police Officer Petting A Kitten. Colbert Super PAC - OWS Co-Optportunity - The Colbert Report - 2011-31-10. Colbert Super PAC - Occupy Wall Street Co-Optportunity - Stephen On Location - The Colbert Report - 2011-31-10. Colbert Super PAC - Stephen Colbert Occupies Occupy Wall Street Pt. 2 - The Colbert Report - 2011-01-11. The Word - Bite the Hand That Feeds You - The Colbert Report - 2011-02-11. Robert Maresca, Long Island Man, Wants To Trademark 'Occupy Wall Street' NEW YORK (Associated Press)- A Long Island, N.Y., man wants to trademark the Occupy Wall Street movement's name.

Robert Maresca, Long Island Man, Wants To Trademark 'Occupy Wall Street'

Robert Maresca of West Islip tells Newsday ( ) he wants to put Occupy Wall Street on T-shirts, handbags and glasses. He filed to trademark the name on Oct. 18. The filing was first reported by The Smoking Gun website. Occupy Wall Street representatives Michael Fix and Beth Bogart say they're not surprised by attempts to make money off the protest, even though it's about economic injustice. But Maresca says he only wants to spread the word, not capitalize on the movement. Maresca says he became interested in Occupy Wall Street after union members began showing up at the protesters' encampment in Zuccotti Park. If you've been to an Occupy Wall Street event anywhere in the country, we'd like to hear from you. "If you buy coffee you can't protest" - Louise Mensch annihilated on Have I Got News For You.

New-banksy-monopoly-sculpture-for-occupy-london from - StumbleUpon. Though we hadn't heard from elusive street artist Banksy in a little while, it should come as no surprise that his latest piece would be for the "Occupy" movement.

new-banksy-monopoly-sculpture-for-occupy-london from - StumbleUpon

Popping up at St. Paul’s Cathedral for Occupy London, this brand new sculpture features a panhandling Rich “Uncle” Pennybags on a make-believe Monopoly board. According to Demotix, it was created "as a show of support for their protest against corporate greed and corruption. " Did anyone notice the graffiti and TOX shoutout on the red hotel? Via [TheWorldBestEver], [TheDailyWhat], [ArrestedMotion] First photo via [Jason Reeve], Rest via [Demotix] Joe Goes To OCCUPY LA. De occupy beweging haarscherp gekwalificeerd. En nu echt: #Foccupy. Koefnoen: 15:50. De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van cookies. We maken een onderscheid tussen functionele cookies en cookies voor het beheer van webstatistieken, advertenties en social media. De cookies bevatten geen persoonsgegevens en zijn dus niet tot een individu te herleiden.

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PRANK VIDEOS music videos politics supercuts remixes GIFS GIFS GIFS basketball cat videos Jest Original Videos More Like This Prank News Network video Fake News Prank It's our prank that proves people will believe anything you say if you look like a newsman and you're holding a microphone.

Jest [video]Where OWS Headlines Come From

NYT: What the Costumes Reveal. Top Foreclosure Firm Threw Homeless-Themed Halloween Bash. This is what happens when corporations or banks brainwash their ignorant employees to disassociate from reality.

Top Foreclosure Firm Threw Homeless-Themed Halloween Bash

The people who work directly with the homeowners are usually not too much better off themselves. I worked at a mortgage arm of a bank. The women who dealt with defaults were shrill, obnoxious and borderline abusive with the clients. They would shriek at them for "not paying the mortgage first" and would give them bullshit "advice" about how to come up with more money to pay the bank.

They would routinely advise that the mortgage holders not pay their credit cards or other bills first, such as medical bills. More often than not, the situation was dire before they even spoke to these people. Meanwhile, the banks OWN THE HOUSES!!! It's as though they WANT to shoot themselves in the foot, the banks, that is. I remember challenging the department, saying, surely a foreclosure is a benefit to the bank? I still think it's stacked against the mortgage holder.

Josh Stearns: The perfect gift for every... Gallery. Quartz person of the year 2012. Corporations are the people of the year, my friend. Who’s the most important newsmaker of the year?

Corporations are the people of the year, my friend

Time magazine says Barack Obama. We disagree. It’s the American corporation.