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Occupy The Arts

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Facebook: Occupy Cinema NYC. Occupy Cinema // Charging Bull // Tuesday, December 6. Corporate Occupation of the Arts facilitated by Andrew Conio (projector required) Art Monthly: Dean Kenning reports from the inside on the wave of art school protests. Balcony Seats Can Help Economic Inequalities in Arts. Nan Melville for The New York Times New Dances performance of “Fortune,” choreographed by Pam Tanowitz, at the Juilliard School.

Balcony Seats Can Help Economic Inequalities in Arts

There were plenty of fellow students and friends of the performers in the audience, but also lots of civilians, so to speak, music lovers who like to take advantage of a wonderful community resource. I overheard a regular at these free concerts tell a newcomer about the performances he had enjoyed so far this season, including two previous Liederabend concerts. During the school year at Juilliard, to look at just this one institution in New York, there are often two or three free events per day: chamber music, piano recitals, early-instrument ensembles, orchestra concerts. @artoccupation. Occupy Museums to Occupy Sotheby’s in Support of Embattled Art Handlers Union. Occupymuseums (occupymuseums) sur Twitter.

Paddy Johnson - Occupy Museums! Speaking out in front of the Cannons. The game is up: we see through the pyramid schemes of the temples of cultural elitism controlled by the 1%.

Paddy Johnson - Occupy Museums! Speaking out in front of the Cannons

No longer will we, the artists of the 99%, allow ourselves to be tricked into accepting a corrupt hierarchical system based on false scarcity and propaganda concerning absurd elevation of one individual genius over another human being for the monetary gain of the elitest of elite. For the past decade and more, artists and art lovers have been the victims of the intense commercialization and co-optation or art. We recognize that art is for everyone, across all classes and cultures and communities.

Protest Action Erupts Inside Guggenheim Museum. A view of the intervention from the floor of the atrium.

Protest Action Erupts Inside Guggenheim Museum

(image provided by G.U.L.F. aka Gulf Ultra Luxury Faction) Last night, over 40 protesters staged an intervention inside the Guggenheim Museum in Manhattan during Saturday night’s pay-what-you-wish admission hours. Unfurling mylar banners, dropping leaflets, chanting words, handing out information to museum visitors, and drawing attention with the use of a baritone bugle, the group worked to highlight the labor conditions on Saadiyat Island in the United Arab Emirates, where Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, a franchise of New York’s Guggenheim, is being built. Occupy Museums, Gulf Labor & NYU Groups Intervention at Guggenheim NYC. Occupy Library. The morning of day twelve of the Occupy Wall Street protest, a few people are waving signs and shouting slogans. Mostly, though, everyone is just hanging out. They take naps, play board games, and pick up books from the haphazardly organized library that occupies a bench on the side of Zuccotti Park.

There is no rhyme or reason to the selection: a volume of Walter Benjamin’s writing sits beside Curtis Sittenfeld’s “Prep”; the only books that are sectioned off are the children’s books. All together, about one hundred titles—along with back issues of Harper’s—await protesters and passersby—in the spirit of the affair, you needn’t be an “insider” to borrow. But surely, I said, literature of a more overtly political nature must be in demand. Evgeny Morozov: #winningbooktitles "What W... Occupy Cinema. Mindblowing Art from the Occupy Movement -

Email Share Sharebar. Occupy Wall Street Artists. Occupydesign. Design as Man- ipulation. Design as Emancipation. - EcoLabs - blog. “Occupy Design” symbolise Occupy Wall Street. Parmi les manifestants de New-York se trouvent un certain nombre de designers.

“Occupy Design” symbolise Occupy Wall Street

Ces derniers se sont réunis au sein d'"Occupy Design" pour donner à leur mobilisation une forme plus graphique. Le projet Occupy Design est porté par des graphistes qui manifestent à Wall Street en ce moment : afin de propager la protestation, ils ont ouvert un site Internet qui offre des outils graphiques, des pictogrammes ou des symboles. Le tout pouvant servir à créer des messages repris par les protestataires. Ils espèrent que ces signes les aideront à poursuivre le mouvement, véhiculant un message clair à ceux qui les regardent.

Les messages ci-dessus sont donc souvent fondées sur des chiffres comme les 14 millions d’Américains au chômage. Article initialement publié sur, le site de Geoffrey Dorne, auteur de notre chronique Vendredi C’est Graphism! Retrouvez le dossier d’OWNI Occuper Wall Street et son esprit et tous les articles consacrés à ce mouvement sur notre site. Occupy AdvertisingPillar.

Occupy Times Square

OccupyBroadway (@OccupyBroadway) sur Twitter. Occupy Wall Street becomes highly collectible. NEW YORK (AP) – Occupy Wall Street may still be working to shake the notion it represents a passing outburst of rage, but some establishment institutions have already decided the movement's artifacts are worthy of historic preservation.

Occupy Wall Street becomes highly collectible

More than a half-dozen major museums and organizations from the Smithsonian Institution to the New-York Historical Society have been avidly collecting materials produced by the Occupy movement. Staffers have been sent to occupied parks to rummage for buttons, signs, posters and documents. Websites and tweets have been archived for digital eternity. And museums have approached individual protesters directly to obtain posters and other ephemera. Occupy Games. @OccupyGames. Occupy The Film Festival. @occupy_filmfest.