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OCCUPYWALLSTREET: 'The Control Tower' #occuc... OCCUPYWALLSTREET: The #coparazzi is taking 2... Drones for all! Or maybe just police? Please note that by playing this clip YouTube and Google will put a cookie on your computer.

Drones for all! Or maybe just police?

There might not be guns in the skies above the United States just yet, but recent media and policy reports suggest we are about to witness an explosion in domestic law enforcement use of drones to surveil the US population. An ACLU report released last week highlights some of the major policy questions that need to be addressed before police drones invade our airspace. Essentially, the authors recommend that legislatures enact statutes and police institute clear operations guidelines restricting drone surveillance by applying Fourth Amendment protections and ensuring that video data of ordinary people isn't kept in a massive database somewhere in Virginia. Not so fast: procedural policymaking and surveillance technologies. NOS: Politiek jaaroverzicht gemaakt met vliegende camera. De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van cookies.

NOS: Politiek jaaroverzicht gemaakt met vliegende camera

Livestreaming Journalists Want to Occupy the Skies With Cheap Drones. Livestreaming journalist Tim Pool shows off his modified drone, dubbed the Occucopter, intended to make aerial coverage available to citizen reporters.

Livestreaming Journalists Want to Occupy the Skies With Cheap Drones

Photo: Sean Captain It may not sound like much: A video blogger bought a toy helicopter. But the blogger is 25-year-old Tim Pool — an internationally known journalist who attracts tens of thousands of viewers to his live-stream broadcasts from Occupy Wall Street protests in New York, DC, LA and other cities. WATCH!!!!! 1/2 drone launched by protesters at Warsaw, Poland. Who's Drone? Our Drone!!! Protesters at Warsaw, Poland Launch UAV-CAM 2/2. 'Dronestagram' filters satellite photos of US drone strikes for your social feeds. Dronestagram is the latest project from renowned "new aesthetic" pioneer James Bridle, an Instagram feed which posts satellite images corresponding to US drone strikes in the Middle-East and Asia.

'Dronestagram' filters satellite photos of US drone strikes for your social feeds

Josh Begley (joshbegley) sur Twitter. @dronestream. Watch This LEGO Drone Soar Across the Sky. We've seen people do some pretty creative things with Legos, but programmer and Lego enthusiast Ed Scott may have just taken the cake with this Lego quadcopter drone.

Watch This LEGO Drone Soar Across the Sky

While it's certainly no Predator, the Lego drone is well-equipped: Four motors give it lift and thrust, autopilot helps keep it flying right and two cameras provide still and live-streaming video capability. It would be perfect for spying on roommates or coworkers — if it weren't bright yellow and red, at least. Inauguration Festivities With Ceremonial Drone Flyover. WASHINGTON—Taking the oath of office for his second term today, President Barack Obama joined thousands of supporters in the nation’s capital for traditional inauguration festivities that included a prayer invocation, a parade along Pennsylvania Avenue, and a ceremonial flyover of three combat drones.

Inauguration Festivities With Ceremonial Drone Flyover

“When Obama was being sworn in on the Capitol steps, we could hear the drones screeching by overhead and everyone got really excited,” spectator Andrew Meyers, 34, said as he eagerly trained his eyes on the unmanned aerial vehicles that have taken out several hundred innocent civilians during presidentially authorized strikes in Pakistan and Yemen. ‘Rise of the Drones’ Is Mostly a PBS Infomercial for the Military Defense Industry. Screen shot from preview of Nova’s “Rise of the Drones” The widely-acclaimed PBS program, NOVA, premiered a documentary on unmanned aerial vehicles or drones.

‘Rise of the Drones’ Is Mostly a PBS Infomercial for the Military Defense Industry

The documentary, “Rise of the Drones,” was produced to explore how the technology is revolutionizing warfare and creating the next generation of cutting-edge surveillance. It was created to provide a glimpse at how the technology has advanced and how innovations might progress in the future. Before the documentary began, PBS noted the program had received funding from the David H. Palm-Sized Nano 'Copter Is The Afghanistan War's Latest Spy Drone. British Army Sgt.

Palm-Sized Nano 'Copter Is The Afghanistan War's Latest Spy Drone

Scott Weaver of the Queens Royal Lancers launches one of the world’s smallest drones from a compound in Afghanistan. Photo: U.K. Should an armed drone be dispatched to kill Christopher Dorner? (updated below) A major manhunt has been underway in the Los Angeles area for Chris Dorner, the former LAPD officer, Navy reservist, and trained marksman who is the prime suspect in the murder of three people, including the daughter of an LAPD captain (who previously represented him in a disciplinary proceeding) and her fiance.

Should an armed drone be dispatched to kill Christopher Dorner?

A lengthy Facebook message attributed to Dorner vows that he will continue to kill not only members of the LAPD but also their children and spouses until he receives a public apology for what he believes was his unfair firing: "This will be a war of attrition . . . . I will utilize OSINT to discover your residences, spouses workplaces, and children's schools. CNN: Should We Use Drones in America? Dumb and dumber: A secret CIA drone base - Opinion. You could, of course, sit there, slack-jawed, thinking about how mindlessly repetitive American foreign and military policy is these days. Or you could wield all sorts of fancy analytic words to explain it. Or you could just settle for a few simple, all-American ones. Like dumb. Stupid. Dimwitted. Naomi Wolf: why I think there is something very wrong.

Like a Swarm of Lethal Bugs: The Most Terrifying Drone Video Yet - Conor Friedersdorf. An Air Force simulation says researchers are at work on killer robots so tiny that a group of them could blend into a cityscape. Science writer John Horgan's feature on the many ways drones will be used in coming years is interesting throughout, and terrifying in the passage where he describes an effort to build micro-drones that are, as the U.S. Drone ‘Nightmare Scenario’ Now Has A Name: ARGUS. The PBS series NOVA, “Rise of the Drones,” recently aired a segment detailing the capabilities of a powerful aerial surveillance system known as ARGUS-IS, which is basically a super-high, 1.8 gigapixel resolution camera that can be mounted on a drone. As demonstrated in this clip, the system is capable of high-resolution monitoring and recording of an entire city. (The clip was written about in DefenseTech and in Slate.) In the clip, the developer explains how the technology (which he also refers to with the apt name “Wide Area Persistent Stare”) is “equivalent to having up to a hundred Predators look at an area the size of a medium-sized city at once.”

Video: Throwing and catching an inverted pendulum – with quadrocopters. Two of the most challenging problems tackled with quadrocopters so far are balancing an inverted pendulum and juggling balls. My colleagues at ETH Zurich’s Flying Machine Arena have now combined the two. As part of his Master thesis Dario Brescianini, student at ETH Zurich’s Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, has developed algorithms that allow quadrocopters to juggle an inverted pendulum. Quadrocopter Pole Acrobatics. Journalism Schools Try Out Drones—And Test Legal Boundaries. AP style, interviewing skills, fact checking, and … drone flying lessons? At least two journalism schools are experimenting with using unmanned aircraft as news-gathering tools.

Drones have already been used by law enforcement, search-and-rescue groups, and other government agencies in the United States, but unmanned aircraft are still illegal for commercial entities to fly (and will remain illegal until at least 2015), which might be one reason that TMZ's rumored interest in a drone was quickly denied by the company.

[POLL: Americans Still Approve of Drone Strike Program] That makes universities one of the only legal places for journalists to learn to fly drones. Seagulls. Shad Olson Reports: The Great Drone Debate.mpg. Brace Yourselves, Drone Journalism Is Coming. Drones. They come in all sizes and prices. They come as toys for eager children or as killing machines for the military. Drones. Fake Signs On Bay Area Highways Say Drones Looking For Speeders. Get Breaking News First Receive News, Politics, and Entertainment Headlines Each Morning. Social network diagram of Slovenian government members 1991-2013 by loyalty. DOJ argues in drone strike citizens can't enforce their constitutional rights in court...

Exclusive: Leaked Pakistani report confirms high civilian death toll in CIA drone strikes. Leaked report shows high civilian death toll from CIA drone strikes. A secret document obtained by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism reveals for the first time the Pakistan government’s internal assessment of dozens of drone strikes, and shows scores of civilian casualties. The United States has consistently claimed only a tiny number of non-combatants have been killed in drone attacks in Pakistan – despite research by the Bureau and others suggesting that over 400 civilians may have died in the nine-year campaign. Drone gaat burgers realtime corrigeren. Drone gaat burgers realtime corrigeren. Under the Shadow of the Drone. Australia: drone shadows, diagrams and political systems [art censorship by government] This week I was due to install another Drone Shadow, this one in Brisbane, Australia (that’s a planning mock-up, above).

I had been invited by the Brisbane Writers Festival, and we had received permission from the Queensland State Library to install the work on their premises. Unfortunately, due to the actions of Arts Queensland, the department of the State Government with overall responsibility for the arts, it has been impossible to proceed with the work. _myr8jhXySd1r6m2leo1_1280. Drone als tentamensurveillant. Tentamendrone blijkt toch hoax. Vhoremans : Een kleine collage van hoe...